Order Paper
Reference: OP 96/11-15
Date: 05 November 2012
The Assembly to sit at noon.
Question for Urgent Oral Answer
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business
1. Prayers
2. Public Petitions
New Build for Parkhall Integrated College
Mr T Clarke
Proposed Closure of Artillery Youth Centre
Mr A Maginness
3. Executive Committee Business
Further Consideration Stage: Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Bill (NIA 15/11-15)
Minister of Finance and Personnel
4. Committee Business
Motion: Muscular Dystrophy and Related Neuromuscular Conditions
That this Assembly welcomes The McCollum Report: Access to specialist neuromuscular care in Northern Ireland; is concerned about the lack of specialised neuromuscular services revealed in the report; believes that a lead for muscular dystrophy and related neuromuscular conditions should be appointed from within Health and Social Care; recognises that significant funds are being wasted on unplanned emergency admissions to hospital; notes that investing small amounts in the development of specialised neuromuscular services can lead to a reduction in these unplanned emergency admissions; further recognises the vital evidence provided by the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign's Northern Ireland Muscle Group during the All Party Group on Muscular Dystrophy Inquiry; and calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to act on the recommendations in the report.
Chairperson, Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety
5. Question Time
5.1 Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
5.2 Health, Social Services and Public Safety
6. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Support for Councillor Sammy Brush
That this Assembly extends support, without qualification, to Samuel Brush, a DUP councillor, who, while working as a postman, was shot and survived an assassination attempt by the convicted terrorist Gerry McGeough; stands by the victims of terrorism; and expresses revulsion at those who side with would-be murderers rather than an innocent public servant.
Rt Hon P Robinson
Lord Morrow
Mrs A Foster