Order Paper

Reference: OP 115/11-15

Date: 05 February 2013

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings

Indicative Timings for Order of Business

Marshalled List of Amendments

1. Prayers
2. Question Time

2.1          Health, Social Services and Public Safety

2.2          Justice

3. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Internet Safety for Children

That this Assembly recognises the dangers for children associated with the internet; commits to building on the work which is already ongoing in this area at both Westminster and Stormont; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to take the lead on the publication of a cross departmental Internet Safety Strategy to help children enjoy the internet safely.

Mrs S Overend
Miss M McIlveen
Mr M Durkan
Mr C Lyttle
Ms C Ruane

Motion: Regulation of Social Networking Websites

That this Assembly notes the growing number of people and hate groups who use social networking websites to verbally abuse other users; further notes the use of these sites by sexual predators to groom victims; and calls on the Minister of Justice to explore the introduction of better regulation of these sites and tougher penalties for people who use the sites to commit crime.

Ms R McCorley
Mr R McCartney
Mr S Lynch

4. Adjournment
  • The future of the Strangford Lough Fishery

Mr S Hamilton