Order Paper

Reference: OP 114/11-15

Date: 04 February 2013

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Indicative Timings for Order of Business

1. Prayers
2. Executive Committee Business
Legislative Consent Motion: Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill

That this Assembly endorses the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of the provisions in clause 62 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill, as introduced in the House of Lords on 18 October 2012, dealing with Estate Agency Work.

Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

3. Committee Business
Motion: GP Annual Health Checks 

That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it mandatory for General Practitioners to provide annual health checks for their patients, to help promote good health, prevent ill-health and detect disease at an early stage.

Chairperson, Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety

4. Question Time

4.1          Environment       

4.2          Enterprise, Trade and Investment

5. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Feasibility of Free School Transport for all Pupils

That this Assembly recognises the wide-ranging benefits associated with using public transport; notes with concern the increase in car traffic during school term time; recognises the financial strain on parents paying school transport costs and the administrative costs to implement the current school bus pass system; and calls on the Minister of Education, in conjunction with the Minister for Regional Development, to conduct a feasibility study into providing free public transport for all school pupils.

Mrs J Cochrane
Mr S Dickson
Mr C Lyttle

Motion: National Crime Agency

That this Assembly supports a Legislative Consent Motion in relation to the Crime and Courts Bill to give effect to the proposed National Crime Agency operating in Northern Ireland; and calls on the Minister of Justice to progress this as a matter of urgency.

Mr T Elliott
Mr R Hussey

6. Adjournment