Order Paper
Reference: OP 105/11-15
Date: 04 December 2012
2. Question Time
2.1 Agriculture and Rural Development
2.2 Culture, Arts and Leisure
2.3 Assembly Commission
3. Committee Business
Motion: Report on the Inquiry into Unadopted Roads in Northern Ireland
That this Assembly approves the Report of the Committee for Regional Development on its Inquiry into Unadopted Roads in Northern Ireland (NIA 44/11/15); and calls on the Minister for Regional Development, in conjunction with his Executive colleagues and relevant bodies, to implement the recommendations.
Chairperson, Committee for Regional Development
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Narrow Water Bridge Project
That this Assembly recognises the significant social and economic benefits, particularly for tourism, that will flow from the proposed Narrow Water Bridge Project in South Down; notes that the project has obtained planning consent on both sides of the border; welcomes the support of the Irish Government for the project and the Special EU Programmes Body's decision to allocate very substantial funding for the Bridge; calls on the Executive to make explicit its support for the project; and further calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to make clear his commitment to the successful delivery of the Narrow Water Bridge Project and to take the lead, along with his counterparts in the Irish Government, in ensuring that any remaining finance required to complete the funding package is committed immediately.
Mr S Rogers
Mrs K McKevitt
5. Adjournment
- The future of acute mental health services in Omagh
Mr T Buchanan