Official Report (Hansard)

Session: 2013/2014

Date: 05 December 2013

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Committee for Social Development


Licensing of Pavement Cafés Bill: Committee Stage Report


The Deputy Chairperson: We move to the draft report on the Licensing of Pavement Cafés Bill.  I remind members that the draft report was provided before last week's meeting and is in today's pack.  I advise members that the document in the pack is the main body of the report; the rest of the report will be made up of standard appendices, namely Hansard transcripts, minutes of the relevant meetings and written submissions from stakeholders.  I ask members whether they have any comments on the report.


I remind members that the Bill was agreed, clause by clause, at our meeting on 21 November and that amendments brought forward by the Minister were also agreed at that stage.  I advise the Committee that, today, we will agree the substantive text of the report as provided in draft form.  After that, the report can go to print.  The rest of the report will be made up of the cover page, contents, written submissions, minutes of proceedings and Hansard transcripts.  Is the Committee content that we now agree the report on the Licensing of Pavement Cafés Bill?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: Pages 2 and 3 of the report outline the Committee's recommendations on the Licensing of Pavement Cafés Bill.  Is the Committee content with paragraphs 7 to 16 on pages 2 and 3 of the report as drafted?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: Page 4 of the report contains the introduction of the report.  Is the Committee content with paragraphs 17 to 25 on page 4 of the report as drafted?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: Pages 5 to 14 of the report outline the Committee's consideration of the Bill and record the oral evidence taken at Committee Stage from stakeholders and the Department.  Is the Committee content with paragraphs 26 to 113 on pages 5 to 14 of the report as drafted?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: Pages 15 to 17 outline the Committee's clause-by-clause scrutiny of the Bill.  Is the Committee content with paragraphs 114 to 150 on pages 15 to 17 of the report as drafted?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: I advise members that the executive summary of the report must be agreed.  It is on page 1 of the report.  Is the Committee content with paragraphs 1 to 6 on page 1 of the report as drafted?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: Is the Committee content that the report be the sixth report to the Assembly of the Committee for Social Development?


Members indicated assent.


The Deputy Chairperson: As the Committee has now agreed this, the report should not be further amended.  Is the Committee content that the report be printed on 12 December?


Members indicated assent.