Official Report (Hansard)

Session: 2012/2013

Date: 11 October 2012

Committee for Social Development

Charities Bill: Proposed Amendment to Clause 9

The Chairperson: I remind members that we have a proposed amendment to clause 9 of the Charities Bill.  You will also find a draft Committee report at tab 2 of your papers.  This session will be recorded by Hansard.  Last week, as you know, we had the clause-by-clause scrutiny of the Charities Bill, and the Committee was content to accept the advice of the Examiner of Statutory Rules on clause 9.  The Committee asked the Department to provide text for a proposed amendment to clause 9.  The Department has proposed the following amendment:

"Clause 9, Page 4, Line 21


At end insert


‘(5) Any other order under this section is subject to negative resolution.’"


Are members content to support that amendment?

Members indicated assent.

Question, That the Committee is content with the clause, subject to the proposed amendment, put and agreed to. 

Clause 9 agreed to.

The Chairperson: That completes the Committee's formal clause-by-clause scrutiny.  At next week's meeting, the Committee will be asked to agree its report on the Bill.  As I said earlier, a copy of the draft report, which will be updated to reflect the last amendment, is in tab 2 of your packs.