Official Report (Hansard)

Session: 2010/2011

Date: 18 November 2010

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Safeguarding Board Bill: Clause-by-Clause Scrutiny

18 November 2010

Members present for all or part of the proceedings:

Mr Jim Wells (Chairperson) 
Mrs Michelle O’Neill (Deputy Chairperson) 
Mr Mickey Brady 
Dr Kieran Deeny 
Mr Alex Easton 
Mr Tommy Gallagher 
Mr Sam Gardiner 
Mr Paul Girvan 
Mr John McCallister

Clause 12 (Arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare of children)
The Chairperson (Mr Wells):

At last week’s meeting, during the formal clause-by-clause scrutiny of the Safeguarding Board Bill, the Question was put to the Committee that it was content with clause 12 as drafted, and the clause was agreed. However, the Department has a proposed amendment to clause 12, and we should have agreed the clause subject to the amendment agreed with the Department. I know that you all spotted that. For the sake of clarity and for the minutes, the Department intends to propose an amendment to clause 12 to show consequential amendments. The letter that the Committee received from the Minister last week included information on the issue. I simply need to keep everything absolutely right.

Mr Girvan:

We need to agree clause 12, with the amendment.

The Chairperson:

Yes; I have to go through a formal procedure to keep us right. I should have put the Question that the Committee is content with clause 12, subject to the amendment agreed with the Department. Therefore, to rectify that mistake, I propose to put the Question again. This is entirely a procedural matter, and there is nothing untoward.

Mr McCallister:

Are you slipping something in?

The Chairperson:

I am not slipping in an increase in the Chairperson’s salary or anything like that. It is simply procedural. I will formally put the Question.

Question, That the Committee is content with the clause, subject to the proposed amendment agreed with the Department, put and agreed to.

Clause 12, subject to the proposed amendment agreed with the Department, agreed to.