Marshalled List of Amendments

Tuesday 8 September 2020

4 September 2020

Private Members’ Business


Item 3: Order Paper 39/17-22 – Tuesday 8 September 2020

Motion: Local Economy and Post-Brexit Preparedness


That this Assembly notes with concern recent comments from the Northern Ireland Business Brexit Working Group regarding the lack of technical and operational details available to local businesses concerning the changes that will come into force post-Brexit; recognises the very complex and unique characteristics of the local economy; is concerned by the precariousness of many of our small and medium enterprises at this time; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to establish urgently educational and training opportunities to enhance the capacity of local businesses to prepare for post-transition trading arrangements.

Dr Caoimhe Archibald
Mr Declan McAleer
Ms Martina Anderson
Ms Liz Kimmins


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

At end insert:

‘and, along with her Executive colleagues, to bring forward urgently details of legislation this Assembly will be required to pass before the end of the transition period, in order to give businesses certainty.’

[Mr Matthew O’Toole]
[Mr Colin McGrath]
[Mr Mark Durkan]
[Ms Cara Hunter]


Motion: Public Inquiry into Muckamore Abbey Hospital


That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Health to establish a public inquiry, under the terms of the Inquiries Act 2005, into Muckamore Abbey Hospital in support of the families of residents who have campaigned for justice; and, in the interim, further calls on the Minister of Health to progress urgently the recommendations of the recent review of leadership and governance at Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

Ms Paula Bradshaw
Mr John Blair


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Insert after ‘urgently’:

‘a bespoke plan to stabilise and support the current delivery of services, as well as implementing’

[Mr Colm Gildernew]
[Mr Pat Sheehan]
[Ms Órlaithi Flynn]