Marshalled List of Amendments

Tuesday 6 July 2021

2 JULY 2021

Item 4: Order Paper 110/17-22 – Tuesday 6 July 2021

Committee Business

Motion: Support for the Taxi Sector


That this Assembly notes with concern the falling number of taxi drivers in the industry and the impact this will have on post-COVID-19 economic recovery; recognises the impact that the delay in reviewing fare structures has had in exacerbating this decline; and calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to implement measures to address the fall in driver numbers, to expedite the review of fare structures, to work with her Executive colleagues to identify a suite of measures that can be initiated to make the sector more attractive to new entrants, and to review her decision not to issue sector-specific support to operators.

[Chairperson, Committee for Infrastructure]


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after the first ‘fare structures’ and insert:

‘and the complexity of taxi driver testing have had in exacerbating this decline; and calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to implement measures to address the fall in driver numbers, to expedite the review of fare structures and to work with her Executive colleagues to identify a suite of measures that can be initiated to make the sector more attractive to new entrants, including a review of sector-specific support to operators.’

[Chairperson, Committee for Infrastructure]