Marshalled List of Amendments

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Item 2: Order Paper 67/17-22 – Wednesday 30 December 2020


Executive Business

Motion: Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union


That this Assembly takes note of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

First Minister and deputy First Minister


The Speaker has selected the following Amendments for debate:


Amendment 1

Insert after ‘Assembly’:

‘asserts our opposition to leaving the European Union; calls for the full implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland to mitigate some of the most negative impacts of Brexit; and’

[Mr John O’Dowd]

[Dr Caoimhe Archibald]

[Mr Colm Gildernew]

[Mr Declan McAleer]


Amendment 2

At end insert:

‘; and calls on the United Kingdom Government, in view of the very serious impediments to the Northern Ireland economy being created by the Trade and Co-operation Agreement and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, to apply safeguard measures as laid out in Article 16 of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland for a period of at least one year.’

[Dr Steve Aiken]


Amendment 3

At end insert:

‘but regrets that while a free trade deal is better than no deal, for Northern Ireland this agreement does not undo the detrimental aspects of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland; and calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to continue to work with the United Kingdom Government to mitigate against those damaging outcomes flowing from the Protocol.’

[Mr Paul Givan]

[Mr Gary Middleton]

[Mr Christopher Stalford]

[Mr Mervyn Storey]


Amendment 4

At end insert:

‘; rejects Brexit, in line with the democratically expressed view of the people of Northern Ireland; notes that this deal will mean new barriers to trade and other negative consequences for Northern Ireland’s economy and society; and calls for the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, positive efforts to make arrangements work for all the people of Northern Ireland, and for this Assembly to decline legislative consent to the British Government to impose the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill, their inferior trade deal and their Brexit against the will of the people of Northern Ireland.’

[Ms Nichola Mallon]

[Mr Matthew O’Toole]