Marshalled List of Amendments 26 April 2024

Item 4: Order Paper 28/22-27 – Tuesday 30 April 2024

Motion: Display of Flags, Emblems and Banners


That this Assembly notes Chapter 11 of the report of the Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition; endorses the proposed code of practice for the respectful display of flags at paragraph 11.48; recognises lawful authority for the display of flags, emblems and banners from public property does not exist; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to develop, urgently, a consultation on how such lawful authority may be provided within the bounds of the proposed code of practice.

[Ms Paula Bradshaw]
[Mr John Blair]
[Mr Peter McReynolds]

Amendment 1

After ‘11.48;’ insert:

‘welcomes, as best practice, the positive work done by community and civic groups in creating local codes of practice around the display of flags;’

[Mr Doug Beattie]
[Mr Tom Elliott]