Marshalled List of Amenment

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Item 5: Order Paper 86/17-22 – Tuesday 23 March 2021

Private Members Business

Motion: Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy


That this Assembly condemns violence against women and girls in all forms; notes with concern that Northern Ireland is the only place on these islands that does not have a specific strategy to tackle gender-based violence and abuse; regrets that the Executive is failing to meet its international obligations in this regard; and calls on the Minister of Justice and the First Minister and deputy First Minister to take immediate action to eliminate gender-based violence in our society by introducing a Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, underpinned by legislation and resourcing which includes a commitment to legislate to make misogyny a hate crime and prioritises early intervention in schools to erode sexist attitudes and build lifelong positive relationships.

[Ms Sinéad Bradley]

[Mrs Dolores Kelly]

[Ms Cara Hunter]


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘regard;’ and insert:

‘and calls on the Executive to take immediate action to eliminate gender-based violence by introducing a Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy that is fully resourced and underpinned by legislation to make misogyny a hate crime, and to introduce standardised, comprehensive Relationship and Sexuality Education in our schools to eradicate sexist attitudes and build lifelong, positive relationships.’

[Ms Rachel Woods]

[Ms Clare Bailey]