Marshalled List of Amendments

Tuesday 23 February 2021

19 February 2021

Private Members’ Business


Item 2: Order Paper 78/17-22 – Tuesday 23 February 2021

Private Members’ Business

Motion: North-South and East-West Trade


That this Assembly acknowledges the importance of North-South and East-West trade to our local economy; notes that the EU-UK Joint Committee is working to reduce trade barriers, and to prevent the creation of new barriers so that businesses can trade freely within the legal framework agreed by the Westminster parliament and European Commission; further notes the new trading reality as a result of the end of the Brexit transition period; further acknowledges our continued access to the European single market with its 450 million consumers; and calls on the Executive to develop an overarching economic strategy, including the establishment of an Executive Sub-Committee on the Economy, to give a clear vision and direction to our representative agencies, including Invest NI, InterTradeIreland, Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas, Northern Ireland Executive Office in Brussels, and the Northern Ireland Bureaux in the United States of America, Canada, and China.

[Dr Caoimhe Archibald]
[Ms Sinéad Ennis]
[Ms Nicola Brogan]
[Mr John O’Dowd]


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘economic strategy’ and insert:

‘which recognises the opportunities created by the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in giving businesses located in Northern Ireland open access to both the European Union single market and UK market, and also recognises the need to create a fairer and more regionally balanced economy as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic; and further calls on the Executive Office to provide clear vision and direction in pursuit of these objectives to our representative agencies, including Invest NI, InterTradeIreland, Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas, Northern Ireland Executive Office in Brussels, and the Northern Ireland Bureaux in the United States of America, Canada, and China.'

[Mr Matthew O’Toole]
[Ms Sinéad McLaughlin]