Marshalled List of Amendments - 22 November 2016

18 November 2016

Opposition Business

Item 5: Order Paper 31/16-21 - Tuesday 22 November 2016

Motion: Review of Arm's-Length Bodies (Revised Wording)

That this Assembly notes the reduction in the number of Government departments and the associated efficiencies; and calls on the Executive to review the number and function of its arm's-length bodies with a view to reducing their number, where possible, and maximising the available revenue.

[Mr C Stalford]
[Mr W Irwin]
[Mrs P Cameron]
[Mr P Logan]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after 'departments' and insert:

'and acknowledges the important contribution of current and past arm's-length bodies across a range of social, cultural, environmental, economic, legal, rights and equality issues; recognises that arm's-length bodies have independence which avoids decisions and funding being politicised, produces best policy outcomes and has access to technical and specialist capacity; and calls for a review of the financing of arm's-length bodies to establish proper resourcing with an objective and sustainable funding process through which arm's-length bodies can deliver effectively their work.'

[Mr R McPhillips]
[Mr A Attwood]
[Ms N Mallon]