Marshalled List of Amendments

Monday 22 February 2021

18 February 2021

Private Members’ Business


Item 2: Order Paper 77/17-22 – Monday 22 February 2021

Private Members’ Business

Motion: Recovery and Investment Strategy                                                                                


That this Assembly recognises the deep and lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on people, communities and businesses across Northern Ireland; further recognises the severe impact that restrictions have had on our society and economy and the devastating impact that the conclusion of the furlough scheme will have on jobs; regrets that the Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance have failed to produce a comprehensive COVID-19 recovery plan prioritising employment and efforts to build back better; expresses concern that the Minister for the Economy has failed to outline a strategy for maximising the potential for job creation and growth as a result of dual market access guaranteed under the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland; and calls on both Ministers to work with their Executive colleagues to establish a comprehensive recovery and investment strategy that will transform public services, create more jobs and help build back better from the crisis.

[Mr Matthew O’Toole]
[Mr Colin McGrath]
[Ms Sinéad McLaughlin]
[Mrs Dolores Kelly]


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘will have on jobs;’ and insert:

agrees that all Executive Ministers must contribute towards delivering a comprehensive economic recovery strategy; and calls on the Executive to develop a comprehensive recovery and investment strategy that will transform public services, create more jobs and help build back better from the crisis.’

[Dr Caoimhe Archibald]
[Mr John O’Dowd]
[Mr Philip McGuigan]
[Ms Jemma Dolan]