Marshalled List of Amendments
Private Members’ Business
Item 3: Order Paper 90/17-22 – Tuesday 20 April 2021
Private Members’ Business
Motion: Conversion Therapy
That this Assembly rejects the harmful practice widely referred to as conversion therapy; notes that the UK Government National LGBT Survey in 2018 reported that 2% of respondents had undergone conversion therapy with a further 5% having been offered it; acknowledges the damage this practice causes to the mental health of those who are subjected to it; further acknowledges that this practice has been widely rejected by medical professionals; declares that it is fundamentally wrong to view our LGBTQ community as requiring a fix or cure; and calls on the Minister for Communities to commit to bringing forward legislation before the end of the current Assembly mandate to ban conversion therapy in all its forms.
[Mr Doug Beattie]
[Mr John Stewart]
The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:
Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘professionals;’ and insert:
“recognises that legitimate religious activities such as preaching, prayer and pastoral support do not constitute conversion therapy, cannot be defined as such and must be protected; and calls on the Minister for Communities to consult widely on the way ahead, including relevant legislative options, to ban the practice of conversion therapy.”
[Mrs Pam Cameron]
[Mr Robin Newton]