Marshalled List of Amendments
Tuesday 2 June 2020
29 May 2020
Private Members’ Business
Item 4: Order Paper 27/17-22 – Tuesday 2 June 2020
Motion: Extension of the EU Withdrawal Transition Period
That this Assembly notes its unique role as a named party to the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement and the unique impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland; further notes the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and the extreme challenges facing businesses and workers; and calls on the UK Government to request, and the European Union to agree, an extension of the current Brexit transition period beyond 31 December 2020 in order that businesses have adequate time to prepare for the implementation of new arrangements.
[Mr Matthew O’Toole]
[Mr Colin McGrath]
[Ms Sinead McLaughlin]
The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate -
Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘facing’ and insert:
“all sections of society and the economy; and calls on the UK Government to request, and the European Union to agree, an extension of the current Brexit transition period beyond 31 December 2020 in order that Northern Ireland is given adequate time to rebuild and prepare for the implementation of new arrangements.”
[Ms Rachel Woods]
[Ms Clare Bailey]
Motion: Abortion Legislation: Non-Fatal Disabilities
That this Assembly welcomes the important intervention of disability campaigner Heidi Crowter and rejects the imposition of abortion legislation which extends to all non-fatal disabilities, including Down's syndrome.
[Mr Paul Givan]
[Ms Joanne Bunting]
[Ms Michelle McIlveen]
[Mrs Pam Cameron]
The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate -
Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘rejects’ and insert:
‘the specific legislative provision in the abortion legislation which goes beyond fatal foetal abnormalities to include non-fatal disabilities, including Down's syndrome.’
[Ms Emma Sheerin]
[Dr Caoimhe Archibald]
[Mr Colm Gildernew]
[Mr Pat Sheehan]