Marshalled List of Amendments

14 March 2024

Item 5: Order Paper 20/22-27-Tuesday 19 March 2024

Motion: End Holiday Hunger


That this Assembly recognises the high levels of child poverty and the increasing costs associated with sending children and young people to school; further recognises that the rising cost of food is putting many families under huge financial pressure; acknowledges the importance of children and young people receiving a nutritious meal and the role that plays in their learning and development; agrees that the cut to the School Holiday Food Grant scheme has had the most impact on disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people; and calls on the Minister of Education to bring forward a plan to end holiday hunger.

Mr Pat Sheehan

Mrs Cathy Mason

Mr Danny Baker

Amendment 1

After ‘plan to end holiday hunger’ insert;

‘and urgently progress and publish the review of the eligibility criteria for free school meals.’

[Ms Kate Nicholl]

[Ms Sorcha Eastwood]

[Ms Sian Mulholland]

[Ms Connie Egan]

Motion: Setting Ambitious Targets for Job Creation


That this Assembly supports an innovative and inclusive economy which provides opportunities for all; highlights the need to create more and better jobs across the skills spectrum; supports, in particular, growing key sectors such as digital, agri-tech, advanced manufacturing, life and health sciences and fintech; is clear that the benefits of new employment must encompass rural communities as well as our towns and cities; stresses the importance of understanding and addressing the needs of businesses and employers; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to set ambitious targets to grow the Northern Ireland economy in this Assembly term, including through creating 5,000 new tech jobs.

Mr Phillip Brett

Mr Gary Middleton

Mr Jonathan Buckley

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘Minister for the Economy to’ and insert:

‘produce ambitious, time-bound and measurable targets to grow and regionally rebalance the Northern Ireland economy, including through creating 5,000 new tech jobs, with an associated financial stimulus package.’

[Ms Sinéad McLaughlin]

[Mr Daniel McCrossan]