Marshalled List of Amendments - 17 October 2016
13 October 2016
Private Members’ Business
Item 3: Order Paper 22/16-21 – Monday 17 October 2016
Motion: Domestic Abuse, Rape and Sexual Crime
That this Assembly expresses deep concern at the levels of domestic abuse, rape and sexual crime; encourages victims of these crimes to come forward; welcomes the increased reporting of domestic abuse, rape and sexual crime but recognises that a high level of underreporting still exists; further welcomes the commitment from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Justice to prioritise addressing this type of crime; and calls on the Executive to work together to support victims and survivors and address domestic abuse, rape and sexual crime.
[Ms M Boyle]
[Mr D Kearney]
[Mr P Sheehan]
[Ms J McCann]
The Speaker has selected the following Amendments for debate:
Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘exists;’ and insert:
‘notes that an analysis of final prosecutorial decisions between 2010 and 2014 shows that in 83 per cent of rape cases no prosecution was recommended; calls on the Executive to work together to address domestic abuse, rape and sexual crime and to support victims and survivors of such crimes; and further calls on the Public Prosecution Service to work to improve rape prosecution and conviction rates.’
[Ms C Bailey]
[Mr S Agnew]
Amendment 2
Leave out all after ‘type of crime;’ and insert:
‘notes that the criminal justice system currently treats each reported occurrence of domestic violence as an individual, isolated act and not as a pattern of behaviour or an extended course of conduct; calls on the Executive to work together to support victims and survivors and address domestic abuse, rape and sexual crime; further calls for the immediate extension of the Justice Support Worker scheme to all policing districts so patterns can be identified from victims making multiple reports; and calls on the Minister of Justice to introduce urgently legislation to criminalise such patterns of abuse and coercive control which victims are subjected to by their abusers.’
[Mr A Attwood]
[Mr M Durkan]
[Ms N Mallon]