Marshalled List of Amendments

17 May 2024

Item 5: Order Paper 33/22-27 – Tuesday 21 May 2024

Motion: Veterinary Medicines


That this Assembly notes the House of Lords Windsor Framework Sub-Committee’s inquiry into veterinary medicines and the Windsor Framework; acknowledges the deep concern of the agri-food industry that the number of veterinary products estimated to be at risk in Northern Ireland could be up to 51 per cent; further notes that the absence of adequate access to veterinary medicines risks competitiveness and could lead to increased vulnerability to disease outbreaks, reduced capacity to treat and prevent illnesses, and compromise animal welfare standards; recognises that this not only poses a threat to individual animals but has broader implications for public health; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs to bring forward proposals to the UK government and European Union authorities that would positively resolve this matter.

Mr Tom Elliott

Dr Steve Aiken

Mr Doug Beattie

Mr Robbie Butler

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘health’ and insert:

‘welcomes the establishment of a Veterinary Medicines Working Group to urgently advise the UK Government on proposals that would positively resolve this issue for farmers, industry and animal owners; and calls on the UK Government to ensure continued supply of veterinary medicines in Northern Ireland beyond 2025 by pursuing an agreement with the EU on a long-term basis and, if necessary, by introducing legislation to prevent regulatory divergence between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.’

[Mr Tom Buchanan]

[Mr William Irwin]

[Mr Jonathan Buckley]