Marshalled List of Amendments

Tuesday 15 June 2021

11 June 2021

Item 4: Order Paper 104/17-22 – Tuesday 15 June 2021

Committee Business

Motion: Simultaneous Interpretation of Assembly Business in Irish and Ulster Scots, as set out in 'New Decade, New Approach'


That this Assembly notes the provision in paragraph 5.21.2 of New Decade, New Approach, to allow any person to conduct their business before the Assembly or an Assembly Committee through Irish or Ulster Scots; further notes that a simultaneous translation system will be made available in the Assembly to ensure that a person without Irish or Ulster Scots is not placed at a disadvantage; and, as provided for in Section 40(5) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, directs the Assembly Commission to provide a simultaneous and passive system for interpretation in the Assembly that is capable of supporting one meeting at any one time; and calls on the Assembly Commission to make any other arrangements as may be necessary for the operation of such a system.

[Chairperson, Committee on Procedures]


Amendment 1

Insert after the first ‘Assembly Commission’:

‘, where there is appropriate demand and subject to review after 6 months,’

[Mr Robbie Butler]

[Mr Andy Allen]