Marshalled List of Amendments
Private Members’ Business – Motions
Item 7: Order Paper 129/11-15 15 April 2013
Motion: Integrated Education
That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Education to acknowledge the expressed wish of parents to see their children educated in an integrated setting; to honour his Department’s obligation to encourage and facilitate integrated education where demand exists; to make integration of controlled and maintained schools a specific objective of area planning; and to work, in particular with the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education and the Integrated Education Fund, to ease the process of the transformation of existing schools to integrated status.
[Mr T Lunn]
[Mr C Lyttle]
The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:
Amendment 1
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘educated’ and insert:
‘in accordance with their wishes, including in an integrated setting; urges the Minister to guarantee parity of esteem for all sectors with the establishment of sectoral bodies to support parental choice; and further calls on the Minister to encourage all sectoral bodies to promote the development of a single shared education system based upon equality of treatment for all.’
[Mr M Storey]
[Miss M McIlveen]
[Mr J Craig]
[Mrs B Hale]