Marshalled List of Amendments

Monday 10 September 2020

10 September 2020 

Private Members’ Business


Item 4: Order Paper 40/17-22 – Monday 14 September 2020

Motion: Living Over the Shops Scheme


That this Assembly recognises the role that repurposed and attractive residential space above retail premises can play in promoting the success of town centres across Northern Ireland; notes that making high streets high-quality locations to live as well as work can aid the economic recovery from COVID-19; and calls on the Minister for Communities to consider establishing a living over the shops grant scheme to assist landlords to convert space above retail premises into residential accommodation.

Mr Jonathan Buckley

Ms Paula Bradley


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘repurposed’ and insert:

‘and accessible space above commercial properties could potentially play in revitalising town and city centres by providing additional affordable, accessible and high quality accommodation;  further recognises this potential to increase the supply of homes to meet demand; acknowledges that increasing this type of housing in high streets can help assist in the social and economic recovery from COVID-19; and calls on the Minister for Communities and her Executive colleagues to explore this option to reduce housing demand based on objective need.’

[Ms Sinead Ennis]

[Mr Fra McCann]

[Karen Mullan]

[Mr Cathal Boylan]


Motion: Race Equality


That this Assembly recognises that the Racial Equality Strategy 2015 - 2025 was not fully implemented and is now significantly outdated; acknowledges the commitment contained in New Decade, New Approach to the publication of a new and updated racial equality strategy within 100 days of the restoration of the Assembly; further recognises the positive contribution made to society by those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds; deplores the discrimination Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities face regularly; condemns racism in all its forms; commits to act urgently on the forthcoming report on the review of hate crime legislation; calls for the promotion of an anti-racism ethos in our schools; and further calls on the Executive to formulate and implement urgently a meaningful racial equality strategy.

Ms Emma Sheerin

Ms Martina Anderson

Mr Colm Gildernew

Ms Linda Dillon


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘further calls’ and insert:

‘on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to set up a working group with members of the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to co-design and co-produce an updated racial equality strategy and to publish a timetable for the implementation of the strategy.’

[Mr Paula Bradshaw]

[Ms Kellie Armstrong]