Marshalled List of Amendments

Monday 12 October 2020

8 October 2020

Private Members’ Business


Item 4: Order Paper 48/17-22 – Monday 12 October 2020

Motion: Increasing the Number of Police Officers in Northern Ireland


That this Assembly recognises the importance of effective, responsive and visible policing across Northern Ireland; highlights that better-resourced neighbourhood and local policing teams stand to improve outcomes in addressing traditional and emerging crime threats, preventing harm, and promoting grassroots support for law and order; stresses, moreover, the critical need to ensure the Police Service of Northern Ireland is appropriately resourced to deal with the enduring threat of terrorism and paramilitary activity; welcomes, to this end, the Executive commitment contained in New Decade, New Approach to increase police officer numbers to 7,500; expresses deep concern with the lack of progress and inaction to date; and calls on the Minister of Justice to work proactively with the Minister of Finance to honour and implement the commitment to enhanced local police numbers by the end of this Assembly mandate.

Mr Mervyn Storey

Mr Thomas Buchanan

Mr Trevor Clarke

Ms Joanne Bunting


The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘concern’ and insert:

‘that the costs of delivering the full range of priorities set out in New Decade, New Approach are far in excess of the funding package provided by the British Government; and calls on the British Government to provide adequate funding to take forward the New Decade, New Approach priorities which will enable the Executive to honour and implement the commitment to enhanced local police numbers by the end of this Assembly mandate.’

[Mr Gerry Kelly]

[Ms Linda Dillon]

[Mr Sean Lynch]

[Ms Liz Kimmins]


Motion: The European Union-United Kingdom Withdrawal Agreement


That this Assembly notes the British Government’s stated intention, in breach of international law, to renege on elements of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement; urges the European Council to stand by, fully, the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement as agreed; and calls on the European Council to require the British Government to implement fully the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

Mr John O’Dowd

Ms Emma Sheerin

Mr Declan McAleer

Dr Caoimhe Archibald


The Speaker has selected the following Amendments for debate:

Amendment 1

At end insert:

‘; and further calls on the UK Government and the European Union to work constructively within the context of the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland to put in place any waivers, mitigations and flexibilities necessary to make its implementation as light touch as possible.’

[Mr Stewart Dickson]

[Mr Andrew Muir]