Marshalled List of Amendments - 07 May 2013

 2 May 2013

Private Members’ Business – Motions

Item 5: Order Paper 135/11-15 – 7 May 2013

Motion: New Primary School for Inner South Belfast

That this Assembly recognises the need to address underachievement in protestant working class areas; acknowledges the vital role of primary school in a child's early education; and calls on the Minister of Education to bring forward plans for a new primary school for inner South Belfast, as a matter of urgency.

[Mr J Spratt]
[Mr M Storey]
[Mrs B Hale]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘address’ and insert:

‘educational underachievement in all working class communities; acknowledges the vital role of primary school in a child’s education; and calls on the Minister of Education and the Belfast Education and Library Board to bring forward plans for a new primary school for inner South Belfast, as a matter of urgency.’

[Mr C Hazzard]
[Mr P Sheehan]
[Ms M Boyle]