03 October 2024

Item 5: Order Paper 54/22-27 – Monday 7 October 2024

Motion: Draft Programme for Government


That this Assembly recognises the absence of clear and measurable objectives in the draft
Programme for Government; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to work
with their Executive colleagues to introduce specific measurable and timebound targets,
including but not limited to waiting times, child poverty, childcare costs, biodiversity loss, social housing, water and waste water infrastructure before the draft Programme for Government can be approved.

Mr Colin McGrath
Mr Mark Durkan
Ms Sinéad McLaughlin
Mr Daniel McCrossan


Amendment 1


Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:


‘recognises the importance of keeping track of delivery against the objectives in the draft Programme for Government; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister, building on existing commitments to publish an annual delivery report and monitor progress against a selection of statistical indicators, to work with their Executive colleagues to consider, where necessary and practicable, the introduction of additional, specific and timebound targets in relation to the draft Programme for Government.’


                                                                                                            Mr Brian Kingston
                                                                                                            Mr Harry Harvey


Motion: Farmers' Basic Payment Scheme




That this Assembly recognises the significant investment in rural communities and businesses, and the wider economy derived from the Single Farm Payment under the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); agrees that CAP Single Farm Payments were critical to supporting farms to be financially viable and more environmentally sustainable, particularly small family farms; is concerned with the significant uncertainty facing our farming community with the loss of CAP Single Farm Payments as a result of Brexit and the end of the replacement Basic Payment Scheme worth £300m a year, beyond 2024; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to urgently press the British Government to set out what replacement funds will be put in place to support our farmers and the wider agricultural sector.


Mr Declan McAleer
Miss Áine Murphy
Miss Nicola Brogan



Amendment 1


Leave out all after ‘wider economy derived’ and insert:


‘from the EU Common Agricultural Policy, including Pillar One (Direct Payments) and Pillar Two (Rural Development Payments); agrees that significant financial investment in agriculture and land management is critical in supporting farms to be financially viable and more environmentally sustainable; is concerned with the significant uncertainty facing our farming community as a result of Brexit and the lack of commitment from the UK Government to maintain agricultural funding beyond 2024; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to urgently press the UK Government to, as a minimum, maintain current agricultural funding in real terms for the duration of this Parliament.’


[Mr Patsy McGlone]
[Mr Daniel McCrossan]
[Mr Justin McNulty]
[Mr Colin McGrath]


Amendment 2


Leave out all after ‘small family farms;’ and insert:


‘welcomes the fact that this annual support was maintained at pre-2020 levels for the duration of the last Parliament; acknowledges, however, the need to address the significant uncertainty regarding the future of the Basic Payment Scheme, worth £300m a year, beyond 2024; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to urgently press the UK Government for an increased, ring-fenced, inflation-proof and multi-annual farm support and development budget to support our farmers and the wider agricultural sector.’


[Miss Michelle McIlveen]
[Mr William Irwin]
[Mr Tom Buchanan]