Marshalled List of Amendments - 02 June 2014

29 May 2014

Private Members’ Business – Motions

Item 3: Order Paper 212/11-15 – 2 June 2014

Motion: Area Planning in the Education Sector

That this Assembly expresses serious concern regarding the ongoing area planning process in the education sector; notes the critical comments made in the Justice Treacy judgement on area planning and integrated education; further notes that the current process places no formal recognition or promotion of greater sharing between schools and sectors; believes that decisions made now will determine the shape of the education system for many years to come; and calls on the Minister of Education, in the absence of either an Education and Skills Authority or the reconstitution of Education and Library Boards, to suspend the current area planning process until there is clarity on the future strategic management of schools, and a long term vision for education in Northern Ireland is agreed.

[Mr D Kinahan]
[Mrs J Dobson]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘recognises the need to rationalise the schools estate in a planned and managed way in the promotion of educational equality for all and that the ideal vehicle to manage Area Planning is the establishment of the Education and Skills Authority; further recognises that Area Planning can, and must, be progressed in the absence of the Education and Skills Authority for the educational well being of children; notes that the current process allows for the promotion of sharing between sectors; and calls on all sectors to redouble their efforts to bring forward proposals for greater sharing.’

[Ms M Boyle]
[Mr C Hazzard]