Mashalled List of Amendments
27 June 2013
Private Members’ Business – Motions
Item 7: Order Paper 149/11-15 – 1 July 2013
Motion: Progress on North South Co-operation
That this Assembly reaffirms its commitment to the ambition, values and institutions borne out of the Belfast Agreement; notes the improved working relationship between the Governments on this island including through the North/South Ministerial Council and British/Irish Council; welcomes the recent progress on the Narrow Water Bridge project; and calls on the Executive, in conjunction with the British and Irish Governments, to complete urgently the review of the St Andrew’s Agreement to allow further progress on North South co-operation in order to bring benefits to all of the people of this island.
[Mr C McDevitt]
[Mr D Bradley]
The Speaker has selected the following Amendments for debate:
Amendment 1
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:
‘notes the working relationship between the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government, including through the North South Ministerial Council, the British Irish Council and other bi-lateral contacts; and welcomes ongoing, practical co-operation that is beneficial to the people of Northern Ireland.’
[Mr S Moutray]
[Mr J Spratt]
[Mr P Weir]
[Mr P Givan]
Amendment 2
Proposed: Leave out all after ‘commitment’ and insert:
‘to practical cross-border co-operation, but regards the elaborate North/South Bodies, established under the Belfast Agreement, as neither necessary nor value for money.
[Mr J Allister]