1. Correspondence of 4 March 2020 from Chris Murphy
2. Correspondence of 5 March 2020 from the Northern Ireland Audit Office
3. Correspondence of 10 March 2020 to Chris Murphy
4. Correspondence of 10 March 2020 to the Department of Finance
5. Correspondence of 10 March 2020 to the Northern Ireland Audit Office
6. Correspondence of 13 March 2020 from the Northern Ireland Audit Office
7. Correspondence of 18 May 2020 from the Department of Finance
8. Correspondence of 22 May 2020 from the Department for Infrastructure
9. Correspondence of 24 June 2020 from the Department for Infrastructure
10.Correspondence of 29 July 2020 to the Department for Communities
11. Correspondence of 29 July 2020 to the Department for Infrastructure
12. Correspondence of 29 July 2020 to the Department of Finance
13. Correspondence of 24 August 2020 from the Department for Communities
14. Correspondence of 27 August 2020 from the Department for Infrastructure
15. Correspondence of 27 August 2020 from the Department of Finance
16. Correspondence of 14 September 2020 to the Department for Communities
17. Correspondence of 14 September 2020 to the Department for Infrastructure
18. Correspondence of 14 September 2020 to the Department of Finance
19. Correspondence of 14 September 2020 to the Department for the Economy
20. Correspondence of 22 September 2020 from the Department of Finance
21. Correspondence of 28 September 2020 from the Department for Communities
22. Correspondence of 5 October 2020 from the Department for Infrastructure