Committee for Infrastructure

Minutes of Proceedings 23 February 2022

Infrastructure Committee minutes 23 February 2022.pdf (183.68 kb)

Meeting Location:
Room 30, Parliament Buildings

Mr Jonathan Buckley MLA(Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs MLA
Mr Cathal Boylan MLA
Mr Pádraig Delargy MLA
Mr Andrew Muir MLA

Present by Video or Teleconference:
Ms Cara Hunter MLA
Ms Liz Kimmins MLA

Mr David Hilditch MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr George Robinson MLA

In Attendance:
Mr Vincent Gribbin (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Bill Kinnear (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Supervisor)

The meeting commenced at 10:03 am in public session.

1. Apologies

As above.

2. Chairpersons Business


3. Draft Minutes.

Agreed:      The Committee agreed the draft minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16 February 2022.

4. Matters Arising


5. Correspondence

Invitation from the Association for Consultancy and Engineering to its Northern Ireland meeting on 24 March 2022 at 12:30pm in Belfast.

Agreed:         The Committee agreed to note the invitation.

Thirteenth Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules 2021-2022.

Agreed:         The Committee agreed to note the report.

Correspondence from Belcoo Traffic Calming regarding Traffic Calming Measures around St Columban’s Primary School.

Agreed:         The Committee agreed to note the correspondence and forward to the Department for information.

Response from the Minister for Infrastructure regarding issues arising from Committee meeting on 2 February 2022.

Agreed:         The Committee agreed to note the response.

Correspondence from Drains for Development regarding Water and Wastewater infrastructure in Northern Ireland.

Agreed:         The Committee agreed to schedule a briefing from the Drains for Development group.

Correspondence from a member of public regarding the New Transport Hub.

Agreed:        The Committee agreed to note the correspondence and forward to the Department for information.

Correspondence from the Speaker regarding the Legislative Process.

Agreed:         The Committee agreed to note the correspondence.

Correspondence from CLG regarding increasing the Diversity of Witnesses before Assembly Committees.

Agreed:        The Committee agreed to note the correspondence.

6.  SL1 The Vennel Bangor (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022

The Committee considered the SL1 The Vennel Bangor (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022.

Agreed:         The Committee was content with the proposal for the Statutory Rule.

7. SL1 The Foreglen Road, Dungiven (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022

The Committee considered the SL1 The Foreglen Road, Dungiven (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022

Agreed:         The Committee was content with the proposal for the Statutory Rule.

8. SR 2022 41 The Century Street, Belfast (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021

The Committee considered the SR 2022 41 The Century Street, Belfast (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021.

Agreed:         That the Committee for Infrastructure has considered SR 2022-41 The Century Street, Belfast (Footway) (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 and, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules report, has no objection to the rule.

9. SR 2022 – 44 The Bus Operator (Coronavirus, Financial Assistance) Regulations (Northern Ireland)

The Committee considered the SR 2022–44 The Bus Operator (Coronavirus, Financial Assistance) Regulations (Northern Ireland).

Agreed          That the Committee for Infrastructure has considered SR 2022–44 The Bus Operator (Coronavirus, Financial Assistance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) and, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules report, has no objection to the rule.

The Committee agreed to move to Agenda Item 11.

11. Departmental Briefing - Draft Railway Strategy (Safety Management) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations.

Mr Pádraig Delargy joined the meeting at 10:10 am.

The Officials joined the meeting at 10.10 am.

  • Graeme Banks, EU Exit Legislation & Rail Safety Branch
  • Antony McDaid, EU Exit Legislation & Rail Safety Branch

The officials provided the Committee with an oral briefing.

A question and answer session followed.

The officials agreed to provide the Committee with information on the differential between the application in GB and Northern Ireland in respect of the protocol.

The Chairperson thanked officials for their attendance.

The officials left the meeting at 10.25 am.

The Committee agreed to move to Agenda Item 10.

10.    Departmental Briefing – Road Safety Strategy.  

Mr Beggs declared an interest as a member of the Carrickfergus Road Safety Committee.

The Officials joined the meeting at 10.26 am.

  • Dr Chris Hughes, Director of Safe and Accessible Travel
  • Caroline Hobson, Safe and Accessible Travel Division

The officials provided the Committee with an oral briefing.

A question and answer session followed.

Mr Buckley declared an interest as a member of the Policing Board NI.

Officials agreed to provide the Committee with further information on a range of issues

  • Plans to change the load weights allowed on farm trailers.
  • Progress in the Department of its consideration of graduated driving licences.
  • Detail on the review and publication of the Highway Code.
  • Officials agreed to provide the Committee with information on the effectiveness of SIDs on reducing speed. 

The Chairperson thanked officials for the briefing.

The Committee agree to move to Agenda Item 12.

12.    Departmental Briefing – Biennial MOT Testing

The Official joined the meeting via Starleaf at 11:21am.

  • Adrian Borland, Safe and Accessible Travel

The officials provided the Committee with an oral briefing.

A question and answer session followed.

The officials agreed to provide the Committee with information on what consideration is being given to continue wit MOT exemptions until the DVA backlog is reduced.

The officials agreed to provide the Committee with information on what consideration the Department has given to the agreement for MOT based on Mileage rather than age of vehicle.

The Chairperson thanked officials for their attendance.

The officials left the meeting at 12.07 pm.

13. CLG Report on Strengthening Committee Scrutiny

The Committee considered the CLG Report on Strengthening Committee Scrutiny.

Agreed          The Committee agreed to note the report. 

14  Forward Work Programme

The Committee considered the Draft Forward Work Programme.

15. Any Other Business


16. Date, Time and Place of next meeting.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 2 March 2022 at 10:00 am in The Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 pm

Mr Jonathan Buckley MLA

Chairperson, Committee for Infrastructure

2 March 2022