Committee Stage - Integrated Education Bill
Call for Evidence
The Assembly Committee for Education wants to hear your views
The Non-executive Integrated Education Bill was introduced to the Assembly by Kellie Armstrong MLA on 1 June 2021. The Bill passed its Second Stage on Tuesday 6 July 2021 and is now referred to the Committee for Education for its Committee Stage.
Integrated education is educating children and young persons in schools which promote an ethos of diversity, respect and understanding between those of different cultures and religious beliefs and of none in the same school on a daily basis.
The purpose of the Integrated Education Bill is to make provision about the promotion and provision of integrated education. It will also provide for the reform and expansion of integrated education.
Why we are consulting
As part of the Assembly’s normal legislative processes, the Integrated Education Bill has been referred to the Assembly’s Committee for Education for scrutiny and evaluation.
The Committee is seeking views from stakeholders on the objectives, proposals and potential consequences of the Bill.
Your views will help to inform the Committee’s consideration of the Integrated Education Bill and any recommendations it may suggest as the Bill moves to the next stage of the legislative process.
The Committee welcomes evidence on any aspect of the Bill.
Give us your views
- Submit your response by completing our response form (external link)
Please note that the deadline for submissions is Sunday 10 October 2021.
Further information
If you would like to request an alternative format to give comments, or have any other queries, please contact the Committee Clerk at the following email address: