9th March 2022

2022-03-09 Draft Minutes.pdf (152.3 kb)

Committee for the Economy

Minutes of Proceedings

9th March 2022

Meeting Location: Room 30 


In Attendance:       

Mr Matthew O’Toole MLA (Deputy Chairperson)

Mr John O’Dowd MLA        

Ms Claire Sugden MLA

Mr Keith Buchanan MLA

Mr Stephen Dunne MLA


Attendance by Video or Teleconference:      

Dr Caoímhe Archibald (MLA (Chairperson)

Mr Peter Weir MLA

Mr Stewart Dickson MLA



Mr Mike Nesbitt MLA*


*N.B. the Member was required in the Chamber for an additional plenary meeting, necessitating their absence from the Committee meeting.


In Attendance:       

Mr Peter Hall (Assembly Clerk)

Mr Thomas Armstrong (Assistant Assembly Clerk)

Mr Aaron Pakenham (Clerical Officer)  


Attendance by Video or Teleconference:

Mr Michael Greer (Clerical Supervisor)

Ms Sinead Kelly (Assistant Assembly Clerk)


The meeting commenced at 10:04am in open session.


 1.    Apologies


As noted above.


 2.    Draft Minutes


Agreed: The Committee agreed the Minutes from 2nd March 2022.


 3.    Chairperson’s Business


Noted: Members noted an invitation to Retail NI’s Future High Street Summit on Wednesday 30th March 2022.


 4.    Employment (Zero Hours Workers and Banded Weekly Working Hours) Bill – RaISe Briefing


Members received a briefing from:


Orla Drummond             Research Officer, RaISe

Michael Scholes             Research Officer, RaISe


Members received a briefing from RaISe on the Employment (Zero Hours Workers and Banded Weekly Working Hours) Bill.


Members agreed to move to Agenda Item 7


 7.    SR 2022/72 The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022


Members considered the SR 2022/72 The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022.

Question put and agreed:

“That the Committee for the Economy has considered SR 2022/72 The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022, and has no objection to the Rule, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules report.”


Members agreed to move to Agenda Item 8


 8.    SR 2022/75 The Education (Student Support, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022


Members considered the SR 2022/75 The Education (Student Support, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022.


Agreed: The Committee noted the SR, and agreed to seek further clarification in relation to a number of issues.


Members agreed to move to Agenda Item 12



12. SL1 - Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022


Members considered SL1 - Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022


Agreed: Members indicated that they are content with the policy implications of the proposed legislation.


Members agreed to move to Agenda Item 5


 5.    Onshore Fracking (Prohibition) Bill – Briefing from RaISe


 Members received a briefing from:


Aiden Stennett                Research Officer, RaISe


Members received a briefing from RaISe on the Onshore Fracking (Prohibition) Bill.



Agreed: Members agreed to deal with Agenda Items 6 and 9 via correspondence.


10. Any Other Business


Agreed: Members agreed to write to the Department in relation to financial support for the hair and beauty sector and travel agents.


11. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting


The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Wednesday 16th March 2022 in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings at 10am.


The meeting was adjourned at 11.02am

Dr Caoímhe Archibald MLA

Chairperson, Committee for the Economy