Inquiry into the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI)

The terms of reference for the Committee Inquiry are as follows: the Committee will

  • Review the effectiveness of ETI’s current approach in respect of school inspection / improvement – considering particularly how ETI assesses the value added in those schools which have lower levels of examination attainment;
  • Identify the key issues impacting on schools experiencing difficulties and any gaps both in terms of the ETI review process and the support services provided by the Department or the ELBs;
  • Identify and analyse alternative approaches and models of good practice in other jurisdictions in terms of school inspection, the assessment of value added and improvement;
  • Consider what priorities and actions need to be taken to improve ETI’s approach to the school improvement process including the need for enhanced powers; alternative measures of achievement; improved governance; and transparency; and
  • Report to the Assembly on its findings and recommendations by January 2014.

The closing date for written submissions from all stakeholders has passed. Over 50 written submissions have been received and these are now being considered by the Committee. You can view the written submissions here. The Committee has also published departmental correspondence and additional information.

The Committee for Education has concluded taking oral and written evidence in relation to its Inquiry, and has now published it's report which is available here.

The Department's response is available here.

The Committee's response to the Department is available here.

Contact the Committee for further information:

Committee Clerk: Peter McCallion

Room 243,Parliament Buildings,
Belfast,BT4 3XX

Tel: (028) 9052 1821