Mrs E Bell
Mr T Gallagher
Mr O Gibson
Mr A Maginness
Mr G McHugh
Mr M McLaughlin
Mr K Robinson

Mr D Kennedy (Chairman)
Mr S Wilson (Deputy Chairman)

In Attendance:
Mrs C Darrah (Committee Clerk)
Ms M Austin (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr D Stevenson (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr C Henderson (Clerical Assistant)
Mr P McVeigh (Clerical Assistant)

The Committee met at 10.28 a.m. in public session.

Mr O Gibson was elected to chair the meeting in the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman.

1. Minutes of the Meeting of 5 September 2002

The minutes of the meeting of 5 September 2002 were agreed.

2. Matters Arising

(i) A copy of the agreed Committee response on the issues in the Executive's Position Report relevant to the Programme for Government had been circulated for information.

3. Chairman's Business

(i) The Chairman informed members that an invitation had been received from Queen's University to the Youth Education Forum to be held in the Market Place Theatre, Armagh on 12 November 2002. Members agreed to contact the Clerk if they wished to attend.

(ii) An invitation to all members of the Education Committee to attend the A Star Awards at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday 25 September in Stormont Castle had also been received and members agreed to contact the Clerk if they wished to attend.

4. Correspondence

(i) The Minister of Education had sent the Committee the New TSN Annual Report and Revised Action Plan for 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2003 for education. The Committee agreed that a paper highlighting any issues and changes that may require further consideration should be prepared.

(ii) The Committee briefly discussed a response from the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment to questions regarding the Review of the Curriculum. Members agreed that it would be helpful to have information on the results of the consultation exercise and that further consideration on the handling of the Review should take place within the context of the Committtee Work Programme.

(iii) The Committee noted a response from the Department of Education which highlighted that there was limited competency under the EU Treaties for Community action in the school education and youth sectors and that no EU Directives were applicable to the sectors for which the Department of Education had responsibility. The Committee agreed to forward the information to the Committee of the Centre's Sub-Committee on EU matters.

(iv) A memorandum from the Committee for Finance and Personnel regarding the Review of Rating Policy Consultation Document had been circulated. After a brief discussion the Committee agreed that no comment was necessary.

(v)The Committee noted correspondence from the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure regarding the initial work being funded by the Creative Seed Fund.

(vi) A copy of the Local Management of Schools Outturn Financial Statement for Voluntary Grammar Schools had been circulated and members noted the contents.

(vii) The memorandum from the Department of Finance and Personnel on the 10th Report from the Public Accounts Committee on Indicators of Educational Performance and Provision had been circulated. Members agreed to include the issue in the future Work Programme.

(viii) A copy of a letter from the Committee for Finance and Personnel enclosing its Report on the Executive's Position Report and the Budget 2002 had been circulated. The Committee agreed to reply welcoming the Report and the recommendations and outlining the Committee's plans to hold detailed discussions on education expenditure and outcomes in the near future.


  • Committee Business

(i) A copy of two Briefing Papers prepared by the Assembly Research Directorate on the Education and Libraries Bill had been circulated. The Committee considered and agreed a motion to be tabled by the Chairman to the Business Committee for an extension of the Committee Stage of the Bill until 22 November 2002.

(ii) A copy of relevant papers on the draft Service Delivery Agreement including the response from the Minister of Education had been circulated. The Committee discussed a number of issues and agreed to write back seeking further clarification.

(iii) Correspondence from the Chairman of the Committee for Employment and Learning seeking views/comments on the draft Report and Action Plan from the Taskforce on Employability and Long-Term Unemployment had been circulated. The Committee noted the strictly confidential nature of the documents and agreed to consider the matter in private session at the end of the meeting.

(iv) The Committee considered correspondence from the Committee of the Centre inviting comments on the Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill. Members noted that the Bill appeared to address the broad issues highlighted previously by the Committee in response to the Inquiry on the matter but agreed to reply emphasising the need for the Bill to reflect the 'best interests' of children.

6. Briefing by Department of Education Officials on Clauses 18, 19, 20, and 31 of the Education and Libraries Bill

The Chairman welcomed Mrs June Ingram, Ms Irene Murphy and Mr John Leonard, Departmental officials, to the meeting to provide a detailed briefing on Clauses 18, 19, 20 and 31 of the Education and Libraries Bill and answer members' questions. Key issues discussed included the public/private status of admission appeal tribunals and the timescale for hearing appeals, the implications of the proposed changes to the admissions system for pre-school education and the new provision to enable the Boards to arrange the admission to special schools of children resident outside Northern Ireland an a fee paying basis.

The Committee also raised an issue regarding the treatment of statemented children in the terms of school admissions numbers which was not covered in the Bill. The officials agreed to consider the matter further and return to the Committee.

The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting.

Hansard recorded the evidence for publication in due course.

7. Briefing by Department of Education Officials on Clauses 22 and 36 of the Education and Libraries Bill

The Chairman welcomed Mr Nigel McCormick and Mr Bruce Fitzsimons, Departmental officials, to the meeting to provide a detailed briefing on Clauses 22 and 26 of the Education and Libraries Bill and answer members' questions. Key issues discussed included the consultation process regarding development proposals and payments by Trustees and Boards after the termination of a PPI/PFI contract.

The Committee also raised an issue concerning the admission of two year olds to funded Nursery school places which was not addressed in the Bill. Mr McCormick stated that it was a matter of concern, however the Department would wish to consult on the matter before considering legislation.

The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting.

Hansard recorded the evidence for publication in due course.

The Committee agreed to write to the Department regarding a number of issues raised during the briefings on the Bill.

The Committee moved into private session at 11.45 a.m.

Mrs E Bell left the meeting at 11.48 a.m.

8. Committee Business (continued)

Members discussed the correspondence from the Chairman of the Committee for Employment and Learning seeking comments on the draft Report and Action Plan from the Taskforce on Employability and Long-Term Unemployment. The Committee agreed to reply enclosing a copy of its initial response on the matter and expressing concern regarding the leniency of one of the targets relating to Numeracy and Literacy.

Mr A Maginness joined the meeting at 11.55 a.m.

9. Any Other Business

(i)The Chairman informed members that the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee had written enclosing a letter from that Committee to the Assembly Commission regarding the deployment of Assembly staff and copies were circulated at the meeting. After a brief discussion, members agreed that the Chairman should raise any concerns at the next meeting of the Chairpersons Liaison Group.

(ii)The Chairman advised members that an invitation from UTV and the Youth Council for Northern Ireland to the formal launch of Transitions on 23 September had been received. Copies were circulated at the meeting and members agreed to contact the Clerk if they wished to attend.

10. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for Thursday 19 September 2002 at 10.15 a.m. in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Committee was adjourned at 12.00 p.m.

Committee Chairman
September 2002