Mr D Kennedy (Chairman)
Mr S Wilson (Deputy Chairman)
Mrs E Bell
Mr T Gallagher
Mr O Gibson
Ms P Lewsley
Mr G McHugh

Mr J Fee
Mr T Hamilton
Mr B McElduff
Mr K Robinson

In Attendance:
Mrs C Darrah
Mrs V Artt
Ms C Angelone
Ms Gillian Kane (Assembly Research Directorate for items 4, 5, 6 and 7)

The Committee met at 10.25 a.m. in private session.

 1.   Minutes of the Meeting of 27 September 2001

The minutes of the meeting of 27 September 2001 were agreed.

 2.  Matters Arising from the Minute

  1. Copies of a response from the Minister of Education to the Chairman's letter requesting further information on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula had been circulated. The Committee noted that the enclosures which accompanied the response were to be treated as strictly confidential. The Minister was due to attend the Committee meeting scheduled for 11 October and the Committee agreed that further questions could be dealt with at that time. The Committee also agreed that the meeting should be in public.
  2. Copies of a letter from the Minister of Education informing the Committee of his intention to postpone the implementation of a Common Funding Formula until April 2003 had been circulated. The Committee agreed a press release welcoming the announcement.
  1. Chairman's Business

  1. A letter from Mr Nigel Hamilton thanking the Committee for the signed book was noted.
  2. A copy of a letter from the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister asking for the Committee's comments on the Draft Programme for Government by 20 November had been circulated. The Committee agreed that the Minister should be invited to attend the Committee meeting scheduled for 8 November to discuss the draft Programme for Government and the Public Service Agreement. The Committee also instructed the Clerk to rearrange the meeting with Departmental officials to discuss the TSN and Equality Action Plans previously arranged for that date.
  3. Information provided by the Department of Education on bids for the next round of Executive Programme Funds had been circulated. The Committee agreed to discussthe matter at the meeting scheduled for 9 October.
  4. The Chairman advised the Committee that the Minister of Education intended to defer the implementation of the revised Curriculum from September 2003 to September 2004. Copies of the relevant letter were circulated. The Committee noted that the decision would enable schools to consider the proposals at the same time as the Burns Review Report.
  5. The Chairman advised the Committee that the Committee for the Centre had written requesting comments on the working paper on the Review of Community Relations Policy by 11 October. The Committee agreed that due to the current very heavy workload it was not possible to consider the document within the timescale allowed and it did not wish to make comment at this time..
  6. Following a brief discussion the Committee agreed that the Chairman should write to the relevant authority expressing the Committee's concerns regarding over the errors in examination results made by Edexcel.
  7. A copy of a letter from the Board of Governors of Ballymena Academy and a submission by Mr Declan O'Kelly, Principal of Lumen Christi College, on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula which had been sent to the Committee for information were noted.

Mrs E Bell joined the meeting at 10. 40 a.m.

 4.  Evidence Session with the Southern Education and Library Board on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula - Public Session

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mrs McClenaghan, Chief Executive, Mr Heron, Head of Corporate Services and Mr Burke, Assistant Senior Education Officer. They gave oral evidence on the Southern Education and Library Board's submission to the Committee on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The areas discussed included:

  • the impact of redirecting resources on essential services;
  • the funding of small schools;
  • teacher costs - actual/average;
  • special unit funding; and
  • different methods of calculating funding for TSN.
  1. Evidence Session with Post-Primary Principals on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals on a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mrs McCafferty, Mr Mullen, Mr Doherty and Mr O'Kelly to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on the implications of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The main issues discussed were:

  • the size and characteristics of their school;
  • their experience of operating under the current LMS scheme and the benefits/difficulties encountered;
  • the implications the proposed changes may have for their type of school; and
  • the possibility of the proposals establishing a fair and transparent system, easy to operate and understand.

 6.  Evidence Session with the South Eastern Education and Library Board on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals on a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mr Fitzsimons, Chief Ececutive, Mr Sloan, Senior Education Officer for Curriculum and Mr Brown, Chief Finance Officer to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on the South Eastern Education and Library Board's submission to the Committee on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The main issues discussed were:

  • the treatment of teachers' salaries;
  • the use of Key Stage 2 results as an indicator of Special Educational Needs;
  • the need for increased funding for primary schools but not at the expense of post-primary schools;
  • funding for small schools; and
  • possible changes in delegation of responsibility to schools and the need to fund those services to be retained by Education and Library Boards.

Mrs Bell left the meeting at 12.30 p.m. and Ms Lewsley left the meeting at 12.50 p.m.

 7.  Evidence Session with the Equality Commission on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Ms Collins, Chief Executive, Ms Lavery, Director of Policy and Research and Professor Bob Osborne, Commissioner to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on the Equality Commission's submission to the Committee on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The main issues discussed included:

  • TSN funding and the rationale for the increase from 5% to 5.5%;
  • the need to ensure that TSN funding is being used effectively;
  • funding of preparatory units;
  • support for children for whom English is a second language; and
  • the equality impact assessment.

Mr Wilson left the meeting at 1.00 p.m. and Mr Gibson left the meeting at 1.05 p.m

The meeting adjourned at 1.05 p.m.

Committee Chairman
October 2001