Mr D Kennedy (Chairman)
Mr S Wilson (Deputy Chairman)
Mr T Gallagher
Mr O Gibson
Mr T Hamilton
Mr G McHugh

Mrs E Bell
Mr J Fee
Mr A Maginness
Mr B McElduff
Mr K Robinson

In Attendance:
Ms S McClelland (Committee Clerk)
Mrs V Artt (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Ms M Austin (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr D Stevenson (Clerical Supervisor)
Miss N Finlay (Clerical Assistant)

Ms G Kane (Assembly Research Directorate )

The Committee met at 10.35 a.m. in public session.

The Chairman welcomed Ms Sheila McClelland, Clerk to the Committee for Finance and Personnel to the meeting as acting Clerk.

1. Evidence Session on Early Years Learning with representatives of the Southern Education and Library Board and the Southern Education and Library Board Pre-school Education Advisory Group

The Chairman expressed the Committee's pleasure at being in Armagh for its meeting and welcomed the members of the public who had attended. The Chairman then welcomed Mrs S Fitzpatrick, Chairperson PEAG, Mrs C Devlin, Assistant Advisory Officer, Early Years, Mrs E McClure, Principal of Banbridge Nursery School and Mrs M McNeice, Principal of Derrylatinee Primary School to the meeting to give oral evidence on the Southern Education and Library Board's submission to the Committee Inquiry into Early Years Learning. This was followed by a question and answer session. The main issues discussed included:

  • existing Early Years policies and current provision;
  • inter-Agency collaboration and how this could be improved;
  • the role of parents as educators and how this partnership could be encouraged and supported;
  • the resources required to ensure that all children including those with special needs receive equity of provision;
  • the need for better communication between Primary Schools and the Pre-school sector;
  • the importance of the physical environment in children's development;
  • how to counter the effects of social exclusion and underachievement; and
  • the need for investment in the infrastructure and training and a strategic approach for the future.

Hansard recorded the evidence session for publication in due course

2. Evidence Session on Early Years Learning with representatives of the Southern Area Childcare Partnership

The Chairman welcomed Ms S Cunningham, Childcare Partnership Co-ordinator and Dr B Farrell, Consultant in Public Health Medicine to the meeting to give oral evidence on the Southern Area Childcare Partnership's submission to the Committee Inquiry into Early Years Learning. This was followed by a question and answer session. The main issues discussed included:

  • the need for an integrated, partnership approach to Early Years;
  • the importance of involving and supporting parents and communities in Early Years learning;
  • equality issues in relation to children with disabilities, ethnic minorities, children of teenage mothers and children from Traveller families;
  • the use of accredited schemes to ensure appropriate staff training and the maintenance of standards, and
  • how good early Years provision can help reduce health problems in disadvantaged communities.

Hansard recorded the evidence session for publication in due course.

Mr Gibson left the meeting at 12 noon.

3. Evidence Session on Early Years Learning with representatives of Craigavon and Banbridge Health and Social Services Trust

The Chairman welcomed Mr L Boyle, Director of Childcare, Mr D Slevin, Early Years and Family Support Co-ordinator, Ms R Briggs, Co-ordinator, Northern Ireland Childminding Association and Ms G Loughran, NIPPA to the meeting to give oral evidence on the Craigavon and Banbridge Health and Social Services Trust's submission to the Committee Inquiry into Early Years Learning. This was followed by a question and answer session. The main issues discussed included:

  • how to achieve better co-ordination and collaboration on the planning and provision of Early Years services;
  • the need for inter-agency collaboration in the inspection process and the maintenance of standards;
  • how to provide equity of training opportunities for staff in pre-school settings including childminders;
  • the importance of the physical environment in a child's development;
  • how to support parents to help counter underachievement;
  • equality of access for all children including those with special needs to pre-school provision.

Hansard recorded the evidence session for publication in due course.

The Chairman invited comments on Early Years Provision from members of the public present. None were forthcoming.

4. Executive Position Report

A copy of letters from the Office of the First and Deputy First Ministers and from the Chairman of the Committee for Finance and Personnel requesting comments from the Committee on the educational aspects of the Executive Position Report had been circulated. Following a short discussion the Committee agreed to consider the matter in detail at the meeting scheduled for 18 June 2002.

5. Department of Education Finance

A copy of a paper provided by the Department of Education which highlighted key features of the Department's budget had been circulated. The Committee agreed to discuss further, at the next meeting, the topics that members wished to have included in the briefing session to be provided by Departmental officials.

6. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for Tuesday 18 June 2002 at 
12. 30 p.m. in Room 152, Parliament Buildings.

7. Any Other Business


The Committee was adjourned at 12.35 p.m.

Committee Chairman

June 2002