Present: Mr D Kennedy (Chairman)
Mr S Wilson (Deputy Chairman)
Mrs E Bell
Mr J Fee
Mr T Gallagher
Mr O Gibson
Mrs P Lewsley
Mr B McElduff
Mr K Robinson
Apologies: Mr G McHugh
In Attendance: Mrs C Darrah
Mrs J McMurray
Miss J Adair
Ms C Angelone
The Committee met at 10.30 a.m. in private session.
The Chairman welcomed Mrs Julie McMurray who will be joining the Education Committee Office as Assistant Clerk on a part-time basis, to the meeting.
1. Minutes of Meetings of 14 December and 19 December 2000 and 11 January 2001
The minutes of the meetings of 14 December and 19 December 2000 and 11 January 2001 were agreed.
2. Matters Arising from the Minutes of Proceedings
- The Chairman advised members that he had written to Mrs Anne Benson extending condolences to the family circle on behalf of the Committee following the death of Mr Tom Benson.
- The Chairman advised members that the agreed arrangements were in place for handling the Committee's consideration of the Review of Post-Primary Education. The first synopsis of the submissions on the Review Body's website would be circulated in the near future.
To assist the Committee's consideration of this important issue, the Chairman proposed that a delegation of members should visit Germany and Scotland, to gain first hand knowledge of the systems of post-primary education in those countries. Following discussion, members instructed the Clerk to identify possible suitable dates for each visit and prepare draft programmes for the consideration of the Committee.
- A reply from the Minister for Education regarding the comments submitted by members on the Review of the Viability Criteria for Irish-Medium and Integrated Schools had been circulated. Following discussion, members agreed that the Chairman would write to the Minister for Education seeking further clarification on several points.
- An update, outlining significant developments in the ongoing dispute concerning term-time only staff had been circulated. Members agreed that the Chairman would write to management and trade unions sides commending their efforts to achieve a satisfactory and equitable resolution.
- A reply from the Minister for Education on the Review of School Performance Tables had been circulated. Following a discussion, members agreed that the Chairman would write to the Minister regarding the review of information that schools should include in prospectuses to ensure the Committee's comments were included and to seek clarification on some outstanding issues.
- A letter from the Minister for Education regarding the Committee's response to the draft Programme for Government and a copy of the Chairman's reply requesting meetings to discuss the Department's Public Service Agreement and the review of the Department's NDPBs had been circulated.
3. Chairman's Business
- The Chairman advised members that he had received a letter from the Chairman of the Committee on Procedures, Mr Conor Murphy, regarding a review of the legislative process in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Members, noting that the Committee had not yet taken the Committee Stage of a Bill, agreed to respond to the review as individual members of the Assembly or through their political parties rather than submit a Committee response.
- A revised work programme for January/February 2001 had been circulated. The Chairman advised members that an appropriate date to meet with the Chief Inspector of Schools would be identified in the near future.
- The Chairman advised the Committee that arrangements had been made for him and the Deputy Chairman to meet a delegation from St Fanchea's College, Enniskillen to discuss the issue of school accommodation on Tuesday 23 January. He invited any available members to attend the meeting.
- The Chairman informed members that the Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure, Mr Michael McGimpsey, had invited the Committee to attend a briefing on the 'Unlocking Creativity' Report.
Members instructed that the Clerk to prepare a paper highlighting the education issues in the Report in preparation for the briefing.
4. Discussion with officials from the Department of Education on a proposed Statutory Rule
The Chairman welcomed Mrs June Ingram and Mr Ron Armstrong, officials from the Department of Education, to the meeting. Mrs Ingram gave a brief overview of the proposed Statutory Rule, which would provide for the membership, composition and tenure of the 28 member General Teaching Council and the election of its 14 teacher members. A detailed discussion ensued covering the proposed role of the General Teaching Council; the consultation process undertaken by the Department of Education prior to the legislation to establish the Council; equality issues regarding the composition of the Council; and the timescale and procedure for laying the Statutory Rule before the Assembly.
The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting. Members agreed to request further information and a copy of the draft Statutory Rule to assist their consideration of the issue.
5. Discussion with officials from the Department of Education on the Review of the Local Management of Schools (LMS) Funding Formulae
The Chairman welcomed Dr Mark Browne, Mr John Caldwell and Mr Garth Manderson, officials from the Department of Education, to the meeting. A detailed presentation was made followed by a question and answer session. The key issues discussed included current LMS arrangements; the rationale and principles for a Common Funding Formula for schools; proposals for factors in the proposed Common Formula; the impact of the Common Formula particularly in relation to small schools; the proposed methodology and timetable of the consultation process; and the overall timescale for the implementation process.
The Chairman thanked the officials for a useful and informative presentation and the officials left the meeting. Members agreed to submit their views and comments regarding the proposals, the methodology and timescale of the consultation process and the overall timescale of the review and implementation process to the Clerk byMonday 22 January for inclusion in a draft Committee response.
6. Discussion of the revised proposals for the distribution of additional money to schools
The Department of Education had submitted revised proposals for the distribution of the additional money to schools following the discussion with the Committee on 14 December 2000. Members agreed to consider the proposals and submit their views and comments to the Clerk by Monday 22 January for inclusion in a Committee response.
7. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 25 January 2001.
The meeting closed at 1.48 p.m.
Committee Chairman
January 2001