Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 25 January 2001
In attendance to make a presentation on behalf of the Grand Opera House, Belfast to the Committee at 11.00am: Mr George Priestley, Chairperson, Mr Derek Nicholls, Director, Mr Ian Wilson, Head of Public Relations.
The meeting opened, in public at, 10.35am
1. Chairperson's business
1.1 The Chairperson advised members that Amsterdam had been suggested as a city to include in the proposed visit to Paris, Rome and Barcelona. The Committee proposed that the visit should take place during the third week in June 2001.
Agreed - that the members would consider this date and revisit the issue next week.
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:38am
Mr McMenamin joined the meeting at 10.45am
Dr Ian Adamson declared an interest to the Committee, advising that he was Chairperson of the Ulster Scots Language Society.
1.2 Agreed -that the groups and individuals in the suggested list should be invited to make written submissions to the inquiry into 'Cultural Tourism and the Arts'. Jim Aiken and organisations representing disabled groups and amateur drama should be included. The Chairperson referred to the 'Cultural Directory for Northern Ireland' and asked the Committee Office to consider whether other names should be added to the list.
1.3 Agreed - that the members would look at the proposed dates for the visit to Boston as it might not be possible for all members to go for a full week.
Agreed - that the Committee Office would establish days/times of flights to Boston and from which airport.
2. Minutes of the meeting of 17 January 2001
2.1 The minutes of the meeting of 17 January were agreed.
3. Matters arising
3.1 Agreed - that the draft letter would be issued to the Chairperson of the Committee of Procedures addressing the issues raised by the Committee.
4. Soccer Strategy Conference Workshop
4.1 Agreed- that Mr David Hilditch and Mr Fraser Agnew would represent the Committee at a conference workshop on 'Creating a Soccer Strategy for Northern Ireland' in Newcastle on 10 to 12 February 2001.
5. Presentation by representatives of the Grand Opera House, followed by a question and answer session at 11.00am
5.1 The delegation from the Grand Opera House presented their development plan for the Grand Opera House and adjacent sites.
5.2 They highlighted the problems with the present structure and layout of the building, and why further development would be required to service a mid-scale venue and demand from amateurs and independent professional theatre.
5.3 The delegation answered a series of questions put by members.
Agreed - that a letter would be forwarded to the Minister advising him of the Committee's support for the Grand Opera House development plans and asking for the Departments support.
Mr Davis and Dr Adamson left the meeting at 12.05pm
6. Fisheries Report
6.1 Agreed - that an executive summary for the report would be drafted by the Chairperson and the Assistant Committee Clerk.
Mr Hilditch joined the meeting at 12.15pm
6.2 Agreed - that the list of recommendations should not be at the beginning of the report.
6.3 Agreed - that a list of abbreviations would not form part of the report.
6.4 Agreed - that photographs, maps, graphs, extracts from books and magazines should not form part of the report.
6.5 Agreed- that the Minister should be advised that the Department would have access to the specialist advice given by Dr Ian Winfield regarding the introduction of Carp when the Report on Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland is published.
Mr Shannon left the meeting at 12.20pm
6.6 Agreed - that the letter received from Mr H Avery should not be included in the report, but would be available in the Assembly library.
6.7 Agreed - that the recommendation relating to Arctic Charr should be redrafted to take account of specialist advice received from Dr Ian Winfield via research.
Agreed- that an additional recommendation on Arctic Charr should be included.
7. Any other business
7.1 Mr Jim Wilson advised the Committee that he had checked the NITB web site and found that it referred to 'Foyle Fisheries Commission' instead of 'Foyle Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission'.
Agreed - that a letter should be issued to the NITB advising them of the inaccuracy.
8. Date of next meeting
8.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Wednesday 31 January 2001 at 10:15am in Room 152.
The meeting closed at 12:30pm
E ONeill