Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 22 March 2001
In attendance to discuss the Department's bid for Executive Programme Funds at 10:40am:- The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure: Dr Aideen McGinley, Permanent Secretary and Mr Noel Redmond, Departmental Official.
In attendance for a presentation on the funding of disability sports at 11:15am:- The Sports Council for Northern Ireland: Mr Eamonn McCartan, Chief Executive, Mr Jim Clarke, Director for Sports Development , Ms Maura Muldoon, Development Officer and Mr Mervyn Hill.
In attendance for a presentation on its work at 11:45am:- The Ulster Boxing Council: Mr Pat McCrory, President, Mr Paul McMahon, Member and Mr Jim Noonan, Secretary.
In attendance to discuss the proposal to make Statutory Rules entitled 'Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Tagging and Log Book) Regulations 2001, Foyle Area (Angling) Regulations 2001, Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Close Seasons for Angling) Regulations 2001 at 12:15pm:- Ms Hilda Hagan, DARD and Mr Derick Anderson, Chief Executive, Loughs Agency.
The meeting opened, in public at, 10.25am.
1. Chairperson's business
1.1 The Committee voiced concern at the Minister's criticism of its decision to publish all of the evidence received during its inquiry into inland fisheries in Northern Ireland.
Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 10:35am.
1.2 Agreed - that the Minister would be asked to attend the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the issue.
1.3 Members were advised that a response had been received from Danny Kennedy, Chairman of the Education Committee, in relation to the possibility of Karate being listed on the curriculum of school sports. The Education Committee has agreed to forward the information to the CCEA asking them to look at the issue during the Curriculum Review.
1.4 Members were reminded of the need to return the document on 'Status of Salmon Stocks in NI' and the booklet entitled 'Shaping our Future - Draft Regional Strategy for 2025'.
1.5 Members were referred to the publication of the Department's New TSN Action Plan.
1.6 Agreed - that the Chairperson would contact the Speaker with a view to postponing the debate on the Minister's Motion relating to the Pricewaterhousecoopers'research report on 'Creating a Soccer Strategy for NI - Views of the Stakeholders'. Members expressed concern that the debate had been scheduled for on Monday 26 March 2001, during the Committee's study visit to Boston.
1.7 Agreed - that the Committee would consider its input to the Committee of the Centre's inquiry into the proposed appointment of a Childrens' Commissioner at the meeting on 5 April 2001.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 The minutes of the meeting of 15 March were agreed.
3. Matters arising
3.1 There were no matters arising.
4. Executive Programme Funds - discussion at 10:40am
4.1 Dr McGinley outlined the Department's eleven bids for funding under the five Executive Programmes. She referred to the Department's unfinished work on defining 'visitor amenities' and how the Committee's work on its inquiry into Cultural Tourism and the Arts might be able to help in providing an acceptable definition. Dr McGinley undertook to provide a copy of the DCMS document, 'Culture and Creativity: The Next 10 years' launched on 20 March by the Culture Secretary, Chris Smith.
Mr McCarthy joined the meeting at 11:05am.
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 11:15am.
5. Presentation on the funding of disability sports by the Sports Council for NI at 11:15am
5.1 The delegation outlined their policies regarding the funding of disability sports and the difficulties experienced due to the serious under-funding of sports in Northern Ireland when compared to England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland.
6 Presentation by the Ulster Boxing Council at 11:45am
6.1 The delegation advised the Committee of the structure and funding mechanism surrounding the management of the sport of boxing. They informed the Committee of their success in bringing the World Amateur Boxing Championships to Belfast.
7. Discussion on the Draft Statutory Rules - Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Tagging and Log Book) Regulations 2001; Foyle Area (Angling) Regulations 2001; Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Close seasons for Angling) Regulations 2001 at 12:15pm
7.1 The Officials discussed and answered questions on the policy implications of the Statutory Rules.
7.2 Agreed - that the Committee was content with the proposal for the Statutory Rules.
Mr Davis left the meeting at 12:42pm.
8. Visit to Boston
8.1 Final arrangements were agreed with those members who would be travelling to Boston on Sunday 25 March 2001.
Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 12:59pm
Mr Shannon left the meeting at 1:00pm
9. Draft Regional Development Strategy
9.1 Agreed -the response to the Chairman of the Regional Development Committee.
10. Screening of NIMC Policies
10.1 Agreed - the response to Professor Fraser.
11. Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry
11.1 Members were advised that a total of 63 submissions had now been received.
11.2 Agreed - that the Committee office would divide the submissions into broad groupings i.e. community arts, more formal arts, historical/heritage issues and language issues, taking into account the geographical spread.
11.3 Agreed - that the public evidence sessions would in the main be held in Room 152 with the Senate Chamber being used occasionally.
11.4 Agreed - that the Committee would consider visits to Glasgow, Limerick , Cork, Glencolmcille and San Francisco.
11.5 Agreed - that it would be important to ensure that the work associated with the inquiry did not adversely affect into the other ongoing work of the Committee.
12. Any other business
12.1 Agreed - that the Committee write to the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development to enquire about the effects that the chemicals used to disinfect against the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease would have on water and fish, were it to find its way into inland waterways.
12.2 Agreed - that the Department would be invited to discuss compliance with Government guidelines to restrict the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease. Members voiced concern regarding non-compliance in some areas.
13. Date of next meeting
13.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 5 April 2001 at 10:00am in Room 152.
The meeting closed at 1:25pm
E ONeill