Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 19 October 2000

In attendance for public evidence session at 10:20am: Fisheries (Amendment) Bill - Ulster Farmers' Union - Mr W Mayne, Mr W Aston, Mr B Johnston and Mr W Baird

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:00am: Fisheries (Amendment) Bill - Mr M McGimpsey, Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure, Ms H Campbell, Mr M McCaughan, Mr G O'Neill and Ms K Simpson

In attendance for public evidence session at 12:00noon: Fishing Inquiry - Mr M McGimpsey, Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure, Ms H Campbell, Mr M McCaughan, Mr G O'Neill and Dr W Crozier

In attendance for public evidence session at 1:00pm: Fisheries (Amendment) Bill -Ulster Angling Federation - Mr N McCreight and Mr P Erwin

The meeting opened, in private, at 10.05am

1. Chairperson's business

  1. The Chairperson reminded members of the rules of the Senate Chamber and the use of mobile phones.
  2. The Chairperson advised members that a meeting has been scheduled for 10:30am on Tuesday 7 November with the Minister to discuss the Programme for Government and the Budget Proposals. The Minister will attend until 11:30.
  3. The Chairperson raised with members the need to agree a response to Mr F Molloy, Chairperson Finance and Personnel Committee, on Budget Proposals at the meeting on 9 November.
  4. Agreed - that the major part of future Committee business would be held in public with the exception of business which, due to its content, must be held in private.
    Agreed - that future Committee meetings would be held in Room 152.
  5. Members were advised that the Committee Office would draft a response on the Sports Council Lottery Fund document. If members have comments that they wish to be included in the response, these should be received by the Committee Office by 3 November. The draft response to the Sports Council will be discussed at the meeting on Tuesday 7 November.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mrs Nelis and Mr Hilditch.

3. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meetings of 12 and 17 October were agreed.

4. Matters arising

  1. Agreed - that the article in the Impartial Reporter concerning the Committee's visit to the Ulster canal would be circulated to members.
  2. Members were advised that a response from the Department had not been received on the issue of its consultation prior to the introduction of Carp to Ballyroney Lake. It was agreed that this could be raised with the Minister during his visit today.
  3. Members were advised that during the visit to Galway a meeting would take place with the Central Fisheries Board at 5pm on Wednesday 25 October in the Park House Hotel. Itinerary and further details will be sent to members.

Mr McMenamin joined the meeting at 10:15am
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:25am
Mr Davis left the meeting at 10:30am
The Committee moved into public session at 10:35am

5. Public evidence session - Fisheries (Amendment) Bill - Ulster Farmers' Union

The Ulster Farmers' Union gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Fisheries (Amendment) Bill.

6. Public evidence session - Fisheries (Amendment) Bill - Mr M McGimpsey, Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure

Mr M McGimpsey, Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure and his Department's Officials gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Fisheries (Amendment) Bill.

The meeting moved into private at 11:46am
The meeting suspended at 11:50am
Public session recommenced at 12:00noon

7. Public evidence session - Fishing Inquiry - Mr M McGimpsey, Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure

Mr M McGimpsey, Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure and his Department's Officials gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mr McMenamin left the meeting at 12:51pm and returned at 12:55pm
Mr Wilson left the meeting at 1:03pm
Mr Shannon left the meeting at 1:12pm

8. Public evidence session - Fisheries (Amendment) Bill - Ulster Angling Federation

The Ulster Angling Federation gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 1:18pm
Mr McCarthy left the meeting at 1:20pm
The public session ended at 1:30pm

9. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Friday 20 October at 10:30am in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 1:30pm

Mr E ONeill