Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 17 January 2001
In attendance to make a presentation on the Children's Fund to the Committee at 11:00am:- Mr Colin Reid, NSPCC, Ms Annie Campbell, NICVA and Ms Fiona Macmillan, Barnados and Deputy Chair of Cinemagic.
The meeting opened, in public, at 10.20am
1. Chairperson's business
1.1 The Chairperson extended the Committee's condolences to Mrs Nelis on the recent bereavement in her family circle.
1.2 Mr McMenamin offered his apologies for his non-attendance at the Northern Odyssey event in the Odyssey Arena on Saturday 13 January 2001.
1.3 Agreed - that the Grand Opera House should be invited to address the Committee at a future meeting to advise on the work being carried out and the future plans for the Grand Opera House.
Mr McCarthy joined the meeting at 10:25am.
1.4 Agreed - that week commencing 19 March or 26 March 2001 were possible dates for the Committee visit to Boston College.
1.5 Agreed - that the Chairperson would accept an invitation from the North Atlantic Salmon Fund (NI) to attend a fund-raising dinner and auction at the Europa Hotel on Friday 2 March 2001.
1.6 The Chairperson drew to the attention of members the 3 day World Canals Conference commencing in Dublin on 16 May 2001. It was agreed that the Committee Office would reserve two places and review attendance nearer to the time of the conference.
2. Minutes of the meetings of 19 December 2000 and 11 January 2001
2.1 The minutes of the meetings of 19 December 2000 and 11 January 2001 were agreed.
3. Matters arising
3.1 Members were advised that there had been no response as yet from the Department on the PRONI case.
3.2 The Chairperson reminded members that comments on the review of the legislative process of the NI Assembly need to be passed to the Committee Clerk by 19 January 2001.
Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 10:35am
Mr Hilditch joined the meeting at 10:38am
4. Terms of Reference for 'Arts' Inquiry
4.1 The Committee divided regarding the wording of one objective in the Terms of Reference. Mrs Nelis proposed an amendment that was seconded by Mr McElduff. To remove the words "including" and "indigenous to this region" and include "to include the Irish and Ulster Scots languages" and add a separate objective "To identify the support required by other cultures not indigenous to this region". The Committee voted as follows. For the proposal, Mrs Nelis, Mr McElduff and Mr McMenamin. Against the proposal, Mr ONeill, Mr Hilditch, Dr Adamson, Mr Davis and Mr McCarthy.
4.2 A different amendment to the same objective in the Terms of Reference .was proposed by the Chairperson. To remove the words "indigenous to this region". The Committee voted as follows. For the proposal Mr ONeill, Mr McCarthy, Mr Hilditch, Dr Adamson, Mr Davis and Mr McMenamin. Against the proposal Mr McElduff. Mrs Nelis abstained.
Agreed - that the objective would be as amended.
4.3 Agreed - that the wording in bold should be omitted from the Terms of Reference.
5. Presentation by NICVA and Question and Answer Session at 11 00am
5.1 The representatives from NICVA gave a presentation to members setting out their desires for the administration of the Children's Fund. They would like to see the Fund become embedded in the work of the Assembly and wish to engage with all of the Government Departments. It is their desire to see clearly established criteria which take account of best practice, that are uncomplicated, allow for close monitoring and are broad enough to permit imaginative projects. They see this Fund being administered centrally perhaps by the Office of the First and Deputy First Ministers where it can be assured that the funding is additional and complementing mainstream Departmental spending
5.2 The Children's Fund will target children from 0 to 18 years. The services provided should be preventative and responsive to poverty with the aim of its total eradication. NICVA believe that arts, sports and leisure can be central to children's lives.
5.3 The Chairperson requested that NICVA write to the Committee setting out ways in which the Committee and the Department could become involved.
5.4 NICVA answered a series of questions put by members.
Mr Davis left the meeting at 12:00noon.
6. Motorcycle Union of Ireland Taskforce Report
6.1 Agreed - that the Committee would write to the Minister voicing their support and include Mr Shannon's concerns on the proposed change for practice sessions. Members should pass any additional concerns to the Committee Clerk by Friday 19 January 2001.
7. Soccer Advisory Panel
7.1 Agreed - that the Committee would write to the Minister expressing their wish to meet with the Soccer Advisory Panel to enable the Committee to have an input into the Advisory Panel's Report and also to voice concern regarding the geographical spread of the five locations for the public meetings. The Committee was of a view that there may be areas in Northern Ireland that have been denied coverage.
Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 12:05pm.
Mr Davis returned to the meeting at 12:14pm.
8. Launch of the Cultural Tourism and Arts Inquiry
8.1 Agreed - that the 'Cultural Tourism and Arts Inquiry' would be launched at a Press Conference in the Press Conference Suite on Thursday 25 January at 10:00am and that Press and Public notices would be issued.
9. Any other business
9.1 Agreed - that the Chairperson would represent the Committee at a two day Conference, Partnership for Diversity, in Dublin on 1st and 2nd February 2001.
10. Date of next meeting
10.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 25 January 2001 at 10:30am in Room 152.
The public session ended at 12.15pm and the meeting adjourned.
Mr McElduff left the meeting at 12:25pm.
The meeting recommenced in private session at 12:30pm.
11. Report on the inquiry into Inland Fisheries
11.1 The Committee discussed the Report into Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland and agreed to consider the matter further at the next meeting.
Dr Adamson left the meeting at 12:42pm.
The meeting closed at 1:58 pm.
Mr E ONeill