Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 14 September 2000

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:00am: Glens Angling Club - Mr L Harrison, Mr H McCormick, Mr M McKeever and Mr E Duffy

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:30am: Warrenpoint Rostrevor & District Angling Club - Mr P Murphy

In attendance for public evidence session at 12:00pm: Dr R Mathers

In attendance for public evidence session at 12:30pm: Mr W Owens

The meeting opened, in private, at 10.26am

1. Chairperson's business

    1. The Chairperson reminded members of the rules on the use of the Senate Chamber.
    2. The Chairperson advised members on the outcome of the meeting with the Minister on 11 September, at which safety standards at Motor Cycle road races were discussed. The Minister and the Committee are in general agreement on the approach that is being taken and he indicated that the Committee can assist him by establishing the views of interested parties on the ground.
    3. The Committee considered the revised programme of work.

Agreed - that 18 October was not suitable to visit the Central Fisheries Board The visit is to be rescheduled.

Agreed - that the Committee will meet all day on 12 October.

  1. Statutory Rule 2000 No.248 - the Chairperson advised members that he had written to the Chairperson of the Business Committee to ascertain which Committee should deal with the Rule, and that the Agriculture Committee had also written.
  2. The Chairperson underlined the importance of a good turnout of members at the Press Lunch scheduled for 1pm on Thursday 5 October in the Long Gallery.
  3. The Chairperson advised members that Tuesday 17 October was the only day when the Minister and Dr McGinley could meet the Committee to discuss the Department's Corporate Plan.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Dr Adamson and Mr Hilditch.

3. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

4. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

5. Fisheries Amendment Bill

Agreed - that the Committee had no comments.

6. Any Other Business

  1. Agreed - that Mr Bryan Johnston should be called to give oral evidence at 11:00am on 21 September.
  2. Agreed - that Mr Davis will represent the Committee at the Ecumenical Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication, to be held in St. Anne's Cathedral on Sunday 8 October at 3:30pm to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Autism charity.
  3. Agreed - that Nigel Carson, from DCAL, and the Irish Language group, Pobhl, should be scheduled into the programme of work.
  4. Agreed - that as many Committee meetings as possible should be held in public.
  5. Agreed - that the Committee will establish relationships with the Chief Executives of Public Bodies such as the Arts Council and the Sports Council.
  6. Agreed - that the Committee should continue to meet once per week.

Mr McElduff left the meeting at 11:00am
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 11:16am
Mr Wilson declared his interest in the Glens Angling Club of which he is a member

7. Public evidence session - Glens Angling Club

The Glens Angling Club gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

8. Public evidence session - Warrenpoint Rostrevor & District Angling Club

The Warrenpoint Rostrevor & District Angling Club gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mr McCarthy joined the meeting at 11:55am
Mrs Nelis left the meeting at 12:00pm

9. Public evidence session - Dr R Mathers

Dr Mathers gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

10. Public evidence session - Mr W Owens

Mr Owens gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

The public session ended at !:00pm and the Committee recommenced private session

11. Sponsorship of the Northern Ireland v Denmark Football Match

Agreed - that the Committee should seek clarification from the Minister as to whether Northern Ireland industries were contacted regarding sponsorship of this match, and also voice concern that Danepak are the sponsors.

12. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 21 September at 10.15am in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 1:05pm

Mr E ONeill