Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 11 January 2001
The meeting opened, in public, at 10.25am
Dr Adamson was proposed by Mr McMenamin and seconded by Mr McCarthy to act as Chairperson.
1. Chairperson's business
1.1 The Chairperson advised members that the Committee had been invited by the Minister to attend a briefing by Professor Ken Robinson, on Thursday 8 February at 10:00am in the Long Gallery, on the 'Unlocking Creativity' Report, which was launched jointly by the Ministers for CAL, Education, ETI and HFETE on 8 November. Members should notify the Committee Clerk of their ability to attend.
1.2 Agreed - that the Committee should meet their counterpart Committees in Scotland and Wales.
1.3 Agreed - that the letter received from the Community Arts Festival in Dublin should be sent to the Department in order that the Department could advise this organisation which counterpart organisations they should contact in Northern Ireland.
2. Review of legislative process in the NI Assembly
2.1 Members were referred to the letter from the Committee on Procedures seeking their contributions on aspects of Standing Orders and other more fundamental issues by 31 January 2001. Members should forward comments to the Committee Clerk by 19 January. A Committee response will be agreed at the meeting on 25 January 2001.
Mr Agnew joined the meeting at 10.30am
3. Consideration of Statutory Rules SR Nos 363 & 364
3.1 The Committee Clerk advised members that the licence duties increases had been kept within inflation and outlined the report from the Examiner of Statutory Rules on the Eel Fishing (Licence Duties) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (SR.2000 No.363) and the Fisheries (Amendment No.3) Byelaws (Northern Ireland) 2000 (SR.2000 No.364).
3.2 Mr Wilson voiced his concerns regarding non-availability of licences from the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure from 1 January 2001. Mr Wilson advised the Committee that he had written separately to the Department on this issue.
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10.38am
3.3 Agreed - that the Committee accept SR.363.
3.4 Agreed - that the Committee accept SR.364.
4. 'Art' Terms of reference
4.1 Members were asked to read the Research papers provided and agreed that this matter would be discussed further at the next meeting.
Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 10.44am
5. Boston visit
5.1 Members were referred to the suggestions made by Boston College and agreed that the Committee Clerk should liaise with Boston College with regard to the itinerary.
6. Motor cycle road racing - Report of Taskforce
6.1 Mr Shannon raised concerns with regard to one of the report's recommendations which recommended that practice road racing sessions should take place in Carrowdore and Tandragee on the Friday evening before, rather than on the Saturday morning of the race. Mr Shannon pointed out that this would not be suitable for Carrowodore where the race goes through the Main Street and thus would involve closing businesses on the Friday as well as Saturday. It was agreed that this matter should be further discussed at the next meeting.
7. Football Taskforce
7.1 Agreed - that the Committee would meet with the Football Taskforce once the Taskforce's current tranche of meetings had ended.
8. Any other business
8.1 Agreed - that the Committee Clerk would write to the Northern Ireland Tourist Board requesting sight of the four draft angling guides which are in the Board's production pipeline.
The public session ended at 11.15am
Mr Agnew left the meeting at 11.28am
The private session commenced at 11.30am
9. Report on the inquiry into Inland Fisheries
9.1 The Committee discussed the structure and content of the Report into Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland and agreed to consider the matter further at the next meeting.
10. Date of next meeting
10.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Wednesday 17 January 2001 at 10.15am in Room 152.
The meeting closed at 3 55 pm.
Dr I Adamson
(Acting Chairperson)