Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 07 September 2000

In attendance for public evidence session at 2:00pm: Ballinderry River Enhancement Association - Mr A Keys and Mr L Cassidy

In attendance for public evidence session at 3.00pm: Sionmills Angling Club - Mr M Patton, Mr E McCrea and Mrs S McCrea

The meeting opened, in private, at 10.23am

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr F Agnew.

2. Chairperson's business

    1. The Chairperson reminded members of the rules on the use of the Senate Chamber.
    2. The Chairperson sought comments from members on Statutory Rule 2000 No.248 -Foyle Area ( Rivers Finn and Foyle Angling Permits ) Regulations 2000 to forward to the DARD Committee. The members considered that the Statutory Rule should be scrutinised by this Committee and not DARD as the Rule concerns inland fishing.

Agreed - that the Chairperson will write to the Business Committee seeking clarification.

  1. The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson will accept the invitation from the British Council in Dublin to the concert to be given by the Ulster Orchestra on 7 October.
  2. The Chairperson asked members to provide comments on the Fisheries Amendment Bill by next Thursday.

3. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

4. Matters arising

  1. The Chairperson asked the Committee Clerk to provide an updated list of all diary dates to include confirmed and non-confirmed arrangements.
  2. The members were advised that the environmental expert, Dr Martin O'Grady from the Central Fisheries Board (CFB) in Dublin, will give a presentation to members during the visit to the CFB, which is being rearranged. The 21 September is no longer a convenient date for the CFB.
  3. Agreed - that the Committee will visit Galway to look at best practice in the management of fisheries and lakes over the period Wednesday 25 to Friday 27 October.
  4. The Committee was advised that where they want to call up other Departments or their Agencies to give oral evidence, the Chairperson will write to the Chairperson of the relevant Committee requesting permission to invite other Departments or their Agencies to give oral evidence. The Committee Clerk of the relevant Committee will in turn notify the Department.
  5. The visit to the Inland Waterways on 29 September was discussed and final numbers of those going will be confirmed later.
  6. The Chairperson raised the issue of the request by Mr Bryan Johnston, who made submission to the Inland Fishing Inquiry, to give oral evidence to the Committee. Mr Johnston did not feature in the original choice by the Committee to give evidence. The Chairperson is aware that Mr Johnston has an ongoing dispute with the Department over fishing rights. The Chairperson requested an update on the position with the Department before a response is given.

5. Road Safety at Motor Bike Races

Agreed - after lengthy discussion that the Committee will await the outcome of the findings of the Task Force set up by the Minister.

Agreed - that the Chairperson will issue a Press Statement.

Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 11:45.

Private session ended at 11:49.

Mr Shannon left the meeting at 11:49.

Public session commenced at 2:10pm

Mr McMenamin and Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 2:10pm.

6. Public evidence session - Ballinderry River Enhancement Association

The Ballinderry River Enhancement Association gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

7. Public evidence session - Sion Mills Angling Club

The Sion Mills Angling Club gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

The public session ended at 4:05 and the Committee recommenced private session

8. Any Other Business

Agreed - that the Committee seek to meet with journalists who are interested in covering Committee Business.

The Chairperson is unable to accept an invitation from the Golden Thread Arts Centre to launch their new programme on Friday 8 September.

Agreed - the draft Press Statement on Road Safety at Motor Bike Racing

9. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 14 September at 10.15am in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 4:30pm

Mr E ONeill