Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 04 December 2000
The meeting opened, in public, at 11:00am
1. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill
1.1 The Committee discussed all concerns that had been raised pertaining to the effect of Section 208 of the Fisheries Act 1966 on Clause 3, subsection 5, of the Fisheries (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 9/99) taking the advice and opinion of the Assembly's Legal Adviser.
Mr Hilditch joined the meeting at 11:10am
Mr Wilson joined the meeting at 11:15am
1.2 The Committee agreed to amend Section 208 of the Fisheries Act 1966 as follows:
Clause 3, page 3, line 36 at the end insert -
(2) Section 208 of the principal Act be amended as follows -
'Nothing in this Act other than Section 48 shall prejudice the right of any owner to take material from any stream.'
Mr Wilson left the meeting at 11:30am
2. Date of next meeting
2.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 7 December at 10:15am in Room 135.
The meeting closed at 11:40am.
Mr E ONeill