Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 03 May 2001
In attendance for a presentation at 11:00am:- Mr Percy Johnston, Assembly Legal Adviser.
In attendance for a presentation at 11:45am Imagine Belfast 2008:- Mr Tom Collins, Chairperson, Ms Michelle Rusk, Deputy Chairperson, and Ms Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive.
The meeting opened in public, at 10:20am.
1. Chairperson's business
1.1 The Chairperson referred members to correspondence from Mr AD Frazer of Hillmount Properties Limited forwarded by the Minister. The Minister has invited the Committee's comments. Members were asked to consider the document prior to discussion at the next meeting.
1.2 Members received copies of the Department's response to the Report on the Inland Fisheries Inquiry and undertook to consider the document prior to discussion with the Minister on 8 May 2001.
1.3 Members agreed that they would welcome a presentation by the organisers of the Special Olympic World Games that are to be held in the Greater Dublin area in June 2003.
1.4 Members were advised that there would be a Ministerial statement on 21 May 2001 following the meeting of the North/South Ministerial Council on Languages on 11 May 2001.
2. Minutes of the meeting of 26 April 2001
2.1 Minutes of the meeting of 26 April 2001 were agreed, subject to Mr Davis being added to the list of those present at the meeting.
3. Matters arising
3.1 Para 1.6 - Members agreed that the Committee office should ask the Department whether Clubs could get assistance from the Sports Council to complete application forms for funding under the Safe Sports Ground Programme. Members also agreed that the Committee office would establish how the Taylor Report was implemented in Scotland and Wales in the context of whether funding went directly to Clubs or contractors were employed by the designated Sporting Bodies to carry out the health and safety improvements deemed to be necessary. Members were asked to note that the Football debate on the PricewaterhouseCoopers research report would take place on Monday 21 May 2001.
3.2 Para 1.9 - Members were asked to inform the Clerk to the Committee by 5pm on the day of the meeting whether they were available to take part in the European visit in week commencing 25 June 2001.
4. Statutory Rule 2001 No 145 - Assistance of Fish Farming Scheme (Revocation) Order (NI) 2001
4.1 Members agreed the following motion - "The Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee has considered the Assistance of Fish Farming Scheme (Revocation) Order (NI) 2001 SR 2001 No. 145 and has no objection to the Rule". The Committee office will inform the Business Office accordingly.
5. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC)
5.1 Members agreed that the BASC would be invited to meet with the Committee.
6. Presentation on the Social Economy
6.1 Members were advised that the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment had invited the Committee to a presentation on the social economy, in the Long Gallery on Tuesday 15 May at 1:15pm. Members should confirm their availability to attend, with the Committee office, by Tuesday 8 May 2001.
Mr Agnew joined the meeting at 10:48am.
Mr Wilson joined the meeting at 10:50am.
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:52am.
7. Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry
7.1 Members were informed that invitations had been issued to several organisations inviting them to give oral evidence on Thursday 10 May, Tuesday 15 May and Thursday 17 May 2001. Members agreed that oral evidence would not be taken between 29 May and 12 June 2001 inclusive. Evidence sessions would recommence on Thursday 14 June 2001.
7.2 Members agreed that evidence from organisations in the North-West could be heard at Magee College. Members also agreed to hear evidence at all-day sessions, should the need arise.
7.3 Members discussed the need to agree an appropriate format for evidence gathering during the oral evidence sessions.
8. Any other business
8.1 Members agreed that a response would issue to the Finance and Personnel Committee advising that the Committee hoped the Minister's delay would not impinge on the timescales available for scrutiny of bids.
9. Date of next meeting
9.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Tuesday 8 May 2001 in Room 135 at 10:45am.
Mr Wilson left the meeting at 11:05am.
The meeting went into private session at 11:05am.
10. Presentation by Mr Percy Johnston, Assembly Legal Adviser at 11:05am
10.1 Mr Johnston provided a comprehensive outline of the powers of Committees, outlined the application of privilege to Committee proceedings and answered questions posed by members.
The meeting resumed public session at 11:50am.
11. Presentation by Imagine Belfast 2008 at 11:50am
11.1 The delegation from Imagine Belfast 2008 advised the Committee of the work that they will undertake as they develop Belfast's bid to secure the title 'European Capital of Culture 2008'. The delegation answered a series of questions posed by members. The Committee agreed that it would welcome further updates from the Company as work progressed.
The meeting closed at 12:25pm.
E ONeill