Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2000/2001
Date: 01 March 2001
In attendance for a presentation and question and answer session at 11:00am: Disability Sports (NI):- Mr Kevin O'Neill, Development Manager and Mrs Janet Grey, Committee Member.
The meeting opened, in public at, 10.50am.
1 Chairperson's business
The Committee approved an extension of the deadline for receipt of written submissions to the Inquiry into Cultural Arts and Tourism to 23 March 2001.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 The minutes of the meeting of 22 February were agreed.
3. Matters arising
3.1 There were no matters arising.
Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 11:00am.
4. Presentation by representatives of Disability Sports (NI)
4.1 The delegation provided a history of the organisation, and detailed the present difficulties it was experiencing and what was required so that disabled people could fully participate in sport.
Mr Davis joined the meeting at 11:46am.
4.2 The delegation answered a series of questions.
4.3 Members were asked to note the Sports Council for Northern Ireland's Press Release.
5. Report of Promoting Social Inclusion Working Group on Travellers - Response
5.1 Agreed - a draft letter for issue.
6 European City Visits
6.1 Mr McConaghy provided an overview of the potential benefits, in terms of informing the Committee's next inquiry on the subject of cultural tourism and the arts, to be gained from visiting a number of European cities.
6.2 Agreed - that members would consider the information provided and revisit the issue at the next meeting of the Committee.
Mr Davis left the meeting at 12:25pm.
7. Potential Visits to Quality Stadiums
7.1 Mr McConaghy provided advice and suggestions to members on the location of new build and refurbished stadia.
7.2 Agreed - that a Committee delegation would visit stadia in the Glasgow area, including Hampden Park, and, time permitting, Ibrox/Celtic Parks. It was also agreed that Livingston FC's Almondvale Stadium would provide an opportunity to see a high quality, smaller capacity stadium.
7.3 Agreed - that information on obtaining sponsors and partnerships should be sought.
The public session ended at 12:50pm.
The private session commenced at 12:50pm.
8. Committee Inquiry into Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland
8.1 Members were advised that the report was ready to be sent to the printer.
8.2 Members were advised that arrangements were being put in place for a Press conference at 10:00am on Thursday 8 March 2001 to launch the report. It was noted that neither Mr Davis nor Mr Wilson would be available to attend
8.3 Members considered a first draft of a Press release.
9. Any other business
9.1 Agreed - that the Committee office would remind the NI Tourist Board that the Committee wished to see the final drafts of the four new regional and generic guides that the Board is currently compiling.
10 Date of next meeting
10.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 8 March 2001 at 11:00am in Room 152.
The meeting closed at 1:15pm.
M Nelis
Deputy Chairperson