Interparliamentary Forum on Brexit meeting - 26 March 2018
The Interparliamentary Forum on Brexit held its third meeting at the Scottish Parliament on 26 March 2018.
The attendees agreed the following statement:
"Today, we the Conveners, Chairs and representatives of Committees scrutinising Brexit-related issues in the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, House of Commons and House of Lords, met at the Scottish Parliament for the third meeting of the Inter-parliamentary Forum on Brexit, to discuss the on-going negotiations regarding the UK's withdrawal from the European Union, and our collective scrutiny of that process. Officials from the Northern Ireland Assembly were in attendance as observers.
Prior to today, meetings of the Inter-parliamentary Forum have tended to focus on the passage of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill. We met today with Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs to discuss the Scottish Government's position on the Bill as well as the wider Brexit process.
We also took the opportunity to take a longer-term perspective on the operation of inter-governmental relations in the UK and the implications of Brexit for these relations. We recognise that the current system of inter-governmental relations in the UK is not fit for purpose and that there is an urgent need for substantial reform in the context of the Brexit process. This process will also present substantial challenges for legislatures across the UK in scrutinising these processes. Consideration of future inter-parliamentary collaboration on the issue of Brexit represented a significant strand of discussion.
The Forum will meet again in mid-June 2018, when we will review the progress of the Brexit negotiations and the implications of Brexit upon the devolution settlements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland."
House of Commons
- Bernard Jenkin MP, Chair, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
- Liz Saville Roberts MP, Welsh Affairs Committee
House of Lords
- Lord Beith, Constitution CommitteeLord Blencathra, Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee
- Lord Dunlop, Constitution Committee
- Lord Kirkwood, Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee
- Lord McFall, Senior Deputy Speaker
- Lord Whitty, EU Select Committee
National Assembly for Wales
- Mick Antoniw AM, Chair, Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee
- David Rees AM, Committee Chair, External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee
Scottish Parliament
- Claire Baker MSP, Deputy Convener, Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee
- Bruce Crawford MSP, Convener, Finance and Constitution Committee
- Joan McAlpine MSP, Convener, Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee
- Stuart McMillan MSP, Deputy Convener, Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee
- Graham Simpson MSP, Convener, Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee