Guidance on Recruitment and Selection for Applicants for Public Appointments

Appointment Opportunities - Independent Chairperson and Member of the Assembly Commission Audit and Risk Committee

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1. This guidance has been developed to provide you with information about the recruitment and selection process.


Equal opportunities

2. The Assembly Commission is committed to the principle that recruitment should be solely on the basis of merit.

3. We welcome applications from all eligible applicants, irrespective of religious belief, political opinion, race, age, gender, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or people with dependants or without.

4. The appointment process will be fair and applied consistently to ensure equality of opportunity.



5. We consider what you will need to demonstrate in order to be successful in the role. This gives us the best possible opportunity of finding the right person for the appointment.

6. Before completing an application, you should satisfy yourself that you are eligible to apply. Invitation to attend the selection process should not be taken to imply that you are eligible under the terms of the advertisement.

7. The process will involve the following stages:

  1. Completion of an application form;
  2. Sift process based on the information provided on the application form against the essential and, if appropriate, shortlisting criteria;
  3. Selection Interview(s); and
  4. Pre-appointment checks.


Tips for completing your application form

8. The selection panel may decide to interview only those applicants who appear, from the information available, to be most suitable in terms of relevant experience, technical skills and/or qualifications. It is therefore important that you describe fully in the application form the extent to which you satisfy the specified criteria (giving length of experience, examples and dates as required). Selection panels will be interested in whom you reported to, what you did, how you did it and how successful you were. It is not sufficient to simply list your duties and responsibilities. The selection panel will not make assumptions from the title of your roles as to the skills and experience gained.

9. Only details of qualifications (if applicable), the evidence provided in criteria boxes contained on the application form and the Employment History section will be provided to the selection panel. In completing your form, you must, if required, provide details of relevant or equivalent qualifications, type of qualification and date awarded. If you believe your qualification is equivalent to the one required, the onus is on you to provide the selection panel with details of modules studied etc. so that a well-informed decision can be made.

10. Do not use acronyms, complex technical detail etc. Write for the reader who may not know your organisation or role. Include concise examples and dates and be sure you can expand on these at interview.

11. Ensure the information you provide is accurate and reflects the advertised criteria.

12. Write down clearly your personal involvement in any experience you quote. Write 'I' statements e.g. 'I planned meetings', 'I managed a budget', 'I prepared a presentation'. It is how you actually carried out the piece of work that the selection panel will be interested in.

13. Identify relevant examples. This is very important, as you may need to be prepared to talk about these examples in detail if you are invited to interview. It is your unique role the selection panel is interested in, not that of your team or colleagues.

14. Please allow yourself plenty of time to complete and submit your application form. If you experience any problems in using the system or with your password, please contact the Human Resources Office on 02890 521741. The Human Resources Office will be available Monday to Friday 0900-1700.

15. Further information on completing the online application form is available at Appendix One.

16. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have completed your application form fully in respect of all information requested.

17. Applications received by the Human Resources Office after the closing date and time will not be accepted. The onus for ensuring an application is received in the Human Resources Office on time rests with you. The Human Resources Office will normally acknowledge receipt of application forms.

18. Any supplementary material will not be accepted in place of, or in addition to, completed application forms.

19. Your application will be examined by a selection panel whose job it is to assess the content of your application against the essential and shortlisting criteria. The selection panel will not make any assumptions regarding your experience, based on your role title. It is therefore in your own interest that you provide a detailed and accurate account of your qualifications and experience, including relevant dates.


Completion of Equal Opportunities Monitoring Information

20. Along with the application form, when applying you will be asked to complete an Equal Opportunities Monitoring questionnaire. All information contained in the monitoring form will be treated in confidence and will not be provided to the selection panel.


Guidance on the Definition of Disability

21. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disability as a "physical or mental impairment which has substantial and long term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day to day activities".

22. Physical Impairment includes, for instance, a weakening of part of the body (eyes, ears, limbs, internal organs, etc.) caused through illness, by accident or from birth. Examples would be blindness, deafness, paralysis of a leg or heart disease.

23. Mental impairment includes mental ill health and learning disability.

24. Long-term means lasting, or likely to last, at least 12 months.

25. Normal day-to-day activities include:

  • Mobility - moving from place to place
  • Manual dexterity - use of hands, wrists or fingers
  • Physical co-ordination
  • Continence
  • Ability to lift, carry or otherwise move ordinary objects
  • Speech, hearing or eyesight
  • Memory or ability to concentrate
  • Ability to learn or understand
  • Ability to recognise the risk of physical danger
  • Taking part in normal social interaction
  • Forming social relationships

26. If the effects of the disability are reduced by medication or other treatment then the relevant effects are those that would be present if there was no medication or treatment taking place. There is an exception to this rule for people who wear spectacles or contact lenses, then the relevant effects are those that remain while the spectacles or contact lenses are being used.


Disability Confident

27. The Assembly Commission is a Disability Confident Committed Employer and for our recruitment, we have committed to:

  • ensuring our recruitment process is inclusive and accessible;
  • communicating and promoting vacancies;
  • offering an interview to disabled people who meet the essential criteria for the job (the Guaranteed Interview Scheme); and
  • anticipating and providing reasonable adjustments as required.

28. The Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) supports applicants with disabilities or those with a long-term impairment or health condition, that is expected to last for at least 12 months by offering an interview to disabled people who meet the essential criteria for the job.

29. If you are applying under GIS it is therefore important that you include all relevant information in your application form.

30. You do not have to have a registered disability to apply under the GIS.

31. The selection panel reserves the right to apply the shortlisting criteria. If so, applicants applying under GIS will not be required to evidence how they meet the shortlisting criteria and will be offered a guaranteed interview, provided that they demonstrate in their application form that they meet the essential criteria for the role.

32. The application form will include a section on disability, and an applicant can indicate whether they wish to apply under the GIS for that particular role and the basis on which they qualify for the GIS.

33. If you wish to submit your application under the GIS, or if you require adjustments to enable you to participate in any part of the selection process, please indicate this on the application form or contact us at Please note that you will be required to provide written confirmation of your disability or long-term health condition from a general practitioner or an appropriate specialist, by the closing date for applications.

34. Applicants with a disability should also indicate on the application form if they feel they require any reasonable adjustments, and if so, what those adjustments are, to enable them to participate in the selection process. A representative from the Human Resources Office will contact the applicant to discuss their requirements.


Tips on preparing for Interview

35. Details of which selection methods will be used will be outlined in the Candidate Information Booklet.

36. Interview questions will be based on the information contained in the Candidate Information Booklet. Past-behavioural questions will be asked. These questions assess capability, past experience and behaviour.


  • Tell me about a time when you have managed a team member who was not performing to the standard required?
    1. What did you do in preparation for speaking with the team member?
    2. Was your approach effective and if so, why?
    3. What did you learn from this?


Situational Questions

37. These questions assess instinct and thought process and what an applicant would do. The response could be shaped by past experience and/or natural instinct and potential.


  • You are chairing a meeting with a large number of stakeholders. The group needs to work together to find an agreed way forward for a new invoicing system. A small number of stakeholders are dominating the discussion and time is running out. How would you go about managing this situation to agree a way forward?

38. You can best prepare yourself by:

  • Reading and thoroughly understanding the Candidate Information Booklet.
  • Reminding yourself of the content of your application form.
  • Reflecting on how you might relate your experiences in detail to the selection panel emphasising your own role and unique contribution.
  • Consider the information you wish to relate to the selection panel and if necessary remove any information that does not add value to the example.

39. Set out below are some tips for answering the interview questions:

  • Listen carefully to the questions. If necessary, ask for a question to be repeated.
  • Do not be afraid of silence for a few seconds while you think through your answer.
  • Be sure you answer the question that has been asked. Do not try to make an example fit just because you have prepared it and you really want to use it.
  • Do not generalise e.g. 'I always provide a good service' or 'I always communicate well'. Give specific examples of actual occasions when you did so.
  • Listen carefully to the type of question being asked. Answers may be work-related or experience from outside of the workplace with the exception of Technical questions which must always be work related.
  • Be prepared for supplementary questions which may be used to gather more information about your example - e.g. What went well for you? What would you do differently? Do not give one word answers - explain with an example.
  • Use the first person singular - 'I' (not 'we') when giving examples.
  • Clarify your role in the examples you give.

40. A selection panel member or Chairperson may have to interrupt you during your answer if they need to manage the time or if they need to get you back on track. Please do not let this put you off.

41. At the end of the interview if you have time remaining in your interview time the Chairperson will ask if you have anything to add to your answers. If you have no time remaining you will only be asked if you have any questions in relation to the process/ role. If you have nothing to add, do not talk simply because you feel you must.

42. The selection panel will assess all applicants based on performance at interview and award each with a unique score. All applicants will be listed in order of merit with the highest scoring applicant ranked first. The merit list will normally remain 'live' for 18 months from the date the mark frame is signed.


Pre-appointment checks

43. Pre-appointment checks are an integral part of the recruitment and selection process. Pre-appointment checks will be undertaken for the successful applicant. No offers of appointment will be made until the pre-appointment checks are found to be satisfactory.

44. The Human Resources Office will carry out all pre-appointment checks which include the verification of identification documents evidencing the right to live and work in the UK, an Access NI basic check and a financial check.

45. In addition, two references will be sought to cover the last five years of employment/ Non-Executive Director appointments/ non-employment.

46. If you have indicated on your application form that you have a disability and may require reasonable adjustments when taking up the role, you will be contacted by the Human Resources Office to discuss any requirements for adjustments. Letters of offer of appointment will remind you that you must advise the Human Resources Office of any reasonable adjustments you consider necessary to take up your appointment.

47. The Human Resources Office will confirm all checks are satisfactory before issuing an offer of appointment.



48. Any attempt on your part to enlist support during the recruitment process could result in your disqualification.

49. Any requests for information will be considered by the Human Resources Office in light of Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation.


Appendix One - Guidance on completing your online application

  1. You should check compatibility before attempting to submit your online application.
  2. Please set up a new user account by clicking on the 'New user registration'. If you have previously submitted an online application form for a role with the Assembly Commission, the next time you apply you may find that the current application form has been auto-filled with previous information. Please ensure that you review the information as it may not be relevant to your current application.
  3. You should fill in the details as requested using the 'next' button to move to the next part of the form. Please note that the 'summary' button acts as the 'save' function and should always be used to save information as you progress through the form or if you wish to exit out of a form and come back to it at a later time.
  4. If you need to add any other qualifications use the 'add' button. If your qualification and/or subject is not listed in the drop down menu, please use the 'other qualification/subject not listed' text box. If you run out of characters when entering the information, you will need to abbreviate accordingly e.g. the name of the University you attended.
  5. When completing the essential and/or shortlisting criteria boxes, you need to be aware that the system does not count down the number of characters remaining nor does it automatically stop you from exceeding the 3000 limit. Please ensure that, when you have completed the essential criteria fields, you click the 'summary' button as this will inform you if the maximum data length has been exceeded and will not allow you to proceed until you edit the character count to meet the 3000 limit. You can use Word to gauge your character count but should not copy directly from Word to the online application form as it is a HTML system and errors could occur with the text. It is better to copy text from Word to Notepad and then from Notepad into the application form.
  6. The asterisk symbol denotes mandatory fields which must be completed and you will not be able to move to the next section of the form unless you populate the mandatory fields.
  7. When all essential and/or shortlisting criteria boxes are complete, you will be asked to complete a declaration by placing a tick in the box. Once the declaration box has been ticked, you must hit the summary button which will return you to the page that will allow you to submit your application. You should then hit the 'apply' button.
  8. You will then be asked if you wish to continue or cancel and return to the form. This is the final opportunity for you to amend your form and if you are content to proceed you should hit the 'continue' button.
  9. Once the 'continue' button has been pressed, you will receive a message to advise that your application has been submitted and you will also receive an email to confirm this. If you do not receive this email, you should contact the Human Resources Office as soon as possible.