Equality Scheme 2012 - 2016
The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland approved the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission Equality Scheme 2012 -2016 on 28 March 2012 following a consultation period between 25 July 2011 and 21 October 2011. The Equality Scheme and associated documents can be accessed via the links below:
Information on the Equality Scheme 2012-2016:
Action Plan (pdf)
Audit of Inequalities (pdf) (word)
Revised Audit of Inequalities (pdf) (word)
Consultation Questionnaires (pdf) (word)
Equality Scheme for Northern Ireland Assembly Commission (pdf) (word)
Review of the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission's Audit of Inequalities (pdf) (word)
For further information on the Equality Scheme or to request documents in alternative formats, please contact Maria Bannon, Equality Manager by either:
Telephone: 02890 418377
Text Phone: 02890 521209
Email: equality@niassembly.gov.uk